Title: Catherine Dupre (
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back in the UK - 15/Mar/2011 14:44 - 5054 days ago
so - its been a while, I left mongolia on 4th December 2010. I spent two weeks making my way from London to Lockerbie.&nbs...
My last ride– frozen eyelashes, looking cool and fake babies...... - 29/Nov/2010 08:35 - 5160 days ago
Since I have been in Mongolia I have slowly but surely embraced horse riding. It is something I was so looking forward to doing,...
Nakedness, Mitts 'n' Gritts, and Muugii gets her bum out.... - 29/Nov/2010 08:30 - 5160 days ago
My colleagues wanted to do something special for me in my last week, and decided that a trip to the‘саун’ was in order. ...
my farewell quiz, two mongolian babies and vodka for lunch - 29/Nov/2010 04:03 - 5160 days ago
Aaah, life in UB, the pace never lets up, the madness never subsides, the pavements are slippery icy, the stray dogs have gone a...
root canal, domesticity, and I forgot the other thing - 16/Nov/2010 02:47 - 5173 days ago
So - I went to the dentist..........I had been given the telephone number of a Korean dentist, who spoke perfect english, and wh...
What -15 feels like. And how I am a walking cliche. - 12/Nov/2010 02:18 - 5177 days ago
Aaah, winter is upon us, the ice is creeping over the pavements like a subtle spill of slippery slidiness. The temper...
the pub quiz is dead, long live the pub quiz - 05/Nov/2010 07:18 - 5184 days ago
its true, the pub quiz is no more. Sad times.In the last month I have been busy busy. I have been involved in design...
The post-apocalyptic Fun Fair and the curious incident of the peace corps in the night time - 22/Oct/2010 03:18 - 5198 days ago
za za za, I am trying to collate my brain cells to write a 15 minute lesson on Cardiac Surgery Nursing, which is hard, as that i...
the night train, the hypnoscreen and three dramatic characters - 20/Oct/2010 02:51 - 5200 days ago
Hi - so, wow, I didnt realise it had been a whole month since the last post. Since then, I have had my friend C staying - ...
dancing geese, daylight robbery, and falling off a horse - 19/Sep/2010 09:35 - 5231 days ago
Soooo, whats been happening.......Well, UB has been the usual crazy noisy dust bucket it always is, thought the weather has been...
four meetings and a party - 09/Sep/2010 06:15 - 5241 days ago
I am meeting'ed out man. New VSO vols have arrived, and in addition to the ICT working group meeting, the VolCom meeting, ...
a candlelit quiz, galloping through the steppe, and the best breakfast ever. - 30/Aug/2010 06:51 - 5251 days ago
Over the last couple of weeks I have had a right old time of it. The days after the music festival I took very easy, as I ...
Thats not James, its James! - 09/Aug/2010 03:47 - 5272 days ago
Wowee, what a week. I had some days off as I had friend come to visit me from the UK for a week. I had to work...
men at work - 29/Jul/2010 02:05 - 5283 days ago
wotcha.This week I have been mostly sweating. I know I say it a lot but it is SO HOT here, and the humidity has just been ...
random bits and bobs - 23/Jul/2010 11:44 - 5289 days ago
I keep writing blog posts and they get longer and longer, and I still don’t ever say all the things I want to, all the interes...
Nadaam pants and horses - 19/Jul/2010 08:58 - 5293 days ago
Sooo, I have had a week off work, kind of enforced as my interpreter wanted to go on holiday, and there is not much I can do at ...
I have something in my eye - 10/Jul/2010 06:35 - 5302 days ago
With all this dust flying around, I have permanently gritty eyes and it bugs me.Anyway - life has been pretty quiet lately, just...
Street life - 25/Jun/2010 03:01 - 5317 days ago
Aaah UB. What a city. Every day brings new curiosities and puzzlements. Just walking around here is an experie...
When you're in UB - 21/Jun/2010 03:06 - 5321 days ago
I always talk abotu what I have done and how I feel and what I think etc, as I am an egomaniac, and that is how I roll. Ho...
this chicken has really big talons.... - 17/Jun/2010 03:19 - 5325 days ago
Yesterday I had such a super fun day! I went with my friends who make the TV show here, to the countryside where they were...
Couple more things from the conference - 14/Jun/2010 03:48 - 5328 days ago
There are a couple of things I forgot to mention about the conference, the first one, is about finding the snake!!ONe of the boy...
Slipping standards - 09/Jun/2010 10:01 - 5333 days ago
Yes Mother, you are right, I have been using my blog as a way of bitching and moaning, and its boring - I began to think of it l...
total system collapse - 02/Jun/2010 02:02 - 5340 days ago
Uh oh......When I was 16 I had Glandular Fever. Glandular fever is a bit like cystitis, or 'nam, if you havent experienced...
Summer sun, somethin's begun - 01/Jun/2010 03:53 - 5341 days ago
Sain bain uu!Well, I still have the stinking cold but the sun is BLAZING! This weekend was like being on a mediterranean holiday...
ok, who pulled the plug on my energy supply...? - 26/May/2010 02:42 - 5347 days ago
I feel CRAP! Despite two very early nights, healthy supper at 6pm then straight to bed with a movie then sleep, I am utterly dra...
Now I know how Britney and the rest of them feel. Sigh. - 25/May/2010 03:26 - 5348 days ago
OK, so before I left the UK, I was interviewed by the Nursing Standard magazine as part of a drive to raise awareness of VSO, as...
Things that go bump in the night - 23/May/2010 06:15 - 5350 days ago
So, this week has ticked along alright, only had one lecture this week, and have been having my work review, and have designed a...
Sewer watch - 19/May/2010 06:10 - 5354 days ago
Little Sewer Man (LSM) was sunbathing this morning! Talking to himself and throwing stones at passing cars. It was the fir...
my little sewer man - 17/May/2010 02:52 - 5356 days ago
So, two posts in two days! This is because my computer has decided to work normally again (touch wood) and because i have ...
sunshine and dust storms and snow (in the same afternoon) - 16/May/2010 07:27 - 5357 days ago
Hi - its been ages, I know - my computer was broken, all kinds of things were happening, no time, no attention span, etc etc.&nb...
What just happened? - 02/May/2010 03:23 - 5371 days ago
Well, what a rollercoaster week - I dont even know where to start - ok, so monday was um, i cant remember now, but tuesday I did...
Why Camels are the new Black - 25/Apr/2010 09:18 - 5378 days ago
So - I have cheered up a lot since my little dark cloud week. I did my sessions on tuesday, and the nurses were very recep...
hill walking and the utter futility of everything - 19/Apr/2010 02:22 - 5384 days ago
So, I have been desceding into gloom latelty. I think it is just hormonal, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that life ...
why looking where you are going and paying attention to what you are doing are important. A cautionary tale. - 17/Apr/2010 06:17 - 5386 days ago
So - this weekend I have kept quite quiet, I got my money sorted eventually. On the monday I was so fed up, I walked the 5...
What is with the arse slapping guys?!?! - 17/Apr/2010 06:01 - 5386 days ago
So - I returned from Darkhan with renewed vigour, ready to take work by the horns again, shake it around and get something going...
The big trip - 17/Apr/2010 05:50 - 5386 days ago
So - monday I went to Darkhan! It is a three and a half hour bus ride away, I was travelling with Ihab, and we made out wa...
Caffers goes Cafflick - 17/Apr/2010 05:38 - 5386 days ago
So, after a fun friday night, saturday was very quiet, I had dinner at Kates, spicy meatballs in tomato sauce with spaghetti..mm...
Putting the 'ace' into Face. - 17/Apr/2010 05:26 - 5386 days ago
aaargh, I know - I have been so slack, life goes so fast here and I cant keep up. So, I did my lecture on Wound Assessment...
keep your face out of my office! - 31/Mar/2010 04:12 - 5403 days ago
Another thing here, that is weird, is that Mongolians seem to love opening doors and looking in. I sit in the office, work...
this is where I work - 29/Mar/2010 08:30 - 5405 days ago
Just a quick post, I am at work, and I feel so ill. Head pounding, sinuses blocked and sore, eyes fuzzy.... yes, poor me i...
I'm going to be on the telly!! - 26/Mar/2010 08:12 - 5408 days ago
So, there was a house party friday night, where I met this really cool girl, she had broken all her bones in an accident some ye...
Dancing Salsa to a Phillipino rock band singing cheesy pop covers at a mongolian night club - 26/Mar/2010 07:47 - 5408 days ago
So - that week was a bit of a write off, I graduated languge school, and had the worst sore throat I have ever had. SO by ...
Priscilla forgets her pants, and other stories - 26/Mar/2010 07:27 - 5408 days ago
Ok ok ok - I know, I havent written for ages, I have been so busy, life's a constant whirl.A brief account of the last week in t...
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