Review: Good Advice Is Rarer than Rubies by Salman Rushdie
on Sheila Ash (India), 17/Jan/2018 07:39, 34 days ago
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Good Advice Is Rarer than RubiesbySalman RushdieMy rating:4 of 5 starsThis story is also available in theNew Yorker magazine- Miss Rehana is accosted by so called advice expert Muhammad Ali as she joins the Tuesday line of women seeking British visas at the Consulate. He is beguiled by her beauty but sees her as an easy target for his scam as she is without a male chaperone. She tries to shrug him of claiming poverty and does not succumb even to his offer of a British passport he has "acquired". The twist is when she returns to him after failing the questions at the interview. He cannot understand why she is happy. All is revealed. All was not as it had seemed. I didn't see it coming :)This story is part ofSalman Rushdie's short story collectionEast, West.My Book ReviewView all my reviewsashramblings