The Caterpillar
on Sheila Ash (India), 18/May/2018 06:46, 34 days ago
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It moves along from head to toeBendy like a jelly throwUp and down and down and upLooping over, twisting up.It crawls the stem and creeps the leafNibbles edges with its tiny teethBending that way, curving thisTill locked within its chrysalis.It hardens fast as if it’s deadIts dormancy spun by a golden threadTill with a burst of bold bravadoEcolses to a beautiful imago.© Sheila Ash, 2018Imago - the final and fully developed adult stage of an insect, typically winged.Eclose - (of an insect) emerge as an adult from the pupa or as a larva from the eggashramblings