Getting Closer...
on Wendy Margolese (Zambia), 28/Sep/2010 10:42, 34 days ago
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Each volunteer does a 5 day training program in Ottawa. My volunteer coordinator was in touch yesterday to book me in,.. the conversation went like this.. do you think you could make it for training this Thursday and then leave for Zambia 2 days later... (silence.. as I had already hit the floor) As much as I'm committed you would have to commit me if I attempted to do that... So we decided on Oct 29th to Nov 2nd for training. My 5 year wedding anniversary on Oct 30th will be celebrated in Ottawa.. obviously this would mean my husband is coming to Ottawa with me :) So it looks more and more like I will be going to Zambia.I completed a placement assessment form for each of the placements I'm interested in, that gets sent to the employer along with all the other forms so they can approve of me... and then I'll get the final details.. like departure date :) Have a terrific Tuesday! Tomorrow off to the travel doctor