Title: Cam, Yvonne, Kaia & Jake in Namibia (Namibia)

Status: Active

URL: http://cykjnamibia.wordpress.com/

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Geography in full colour - 21/Aug/2010 20:09 - 5089 days ago
I have come to know and really like the junior geography teacher at Himarwa.  His name is Lasco Sachuma.  He has been teaching...

Geography in full colour - 21/Aug/2010 20:09 - 5089 days ago
I have come to know and really like the junior geography teacher at Himarwa.  His name is Lasco Sachuma.  He has been teaching...

If you want to be happy, plant a garden! - 21/Aug/2010 18:30 - 5089 days ago
You might recall an earlier blog I did entitled “Longing for big box Home Depot” where I’d purchased materials for the new...

If you want to be happy, plant a garden! - 21/Aug/2010 18:30 - 5089 days ago
You might recall an earlier blog I did entitled “Longing for big box Home Depot” where I’d purchased materials for the new...

Solar-powered enthusiasm - 20/Aug/2010 15:45 - 5090 days ago
[we arrived in Toronto yesterday PM after a long trip back and are at my brother Craig's in Bracebridge right now.  We squished...

Solar-powered enthusiasm - 20/Aug/2010 15:45 - 5090 days ago
[we arrived in Toronto yesterday PM after a long trip back and are at my brother Craig’s in Bracebridge right now.  We sq...

Reflections on Leaving - 06/Aug/2010 10:04 - 5104 days ago
Nine days until we leave Himarwa Iithete and Mpungu – the school and community that have been our home for the past year.  We...

Reflections on Leaving - 06/Aug/2010 10:04 - 5104 days ago
Nine days until we leave Himarwa Iithete and Mpungu – the school and community that have been our home for the past year.  We...

Hockey night in Mpungu - 30/Jul/2010 15:46 - 5111 days ago
The hockey sticks we brought over as a piece of luggage stayed under the bed for many months.  But when the weather got cooler,...

Hockey night in Mpungu - 30/Jul/2010 15:46 - 5111 days ago
The hockey sticks we brought over as a piece of luggage stayed under the bed for many months.  But when the weather got cooler,...

English workshop? More like a“play”-shop! - 25/Jul/2010 14:37 - 5116 days ago
The idea had been brewing for quite some time:  Get primary teachers together and talk about ways to teach English as a second ...

English workshop? More like a“play”-shop! - 25/Jul/2010 14:37 - 5116 days ago
The idea had been brewing for quite some time:  Get primary teachers together and talk about ways to teach English as a second ...

Kaia and Jake’s 2 lists - 26/Jun/2010 22:51 - 5145 days ago
What follows is a list that Kaia and Jake made of some of their highlights and lowlights of life in Mpungu. Good things Seeing t...

Kaia and Jake’s 2 lists - 26/Jun/2010 22:51 - 5145 days ago
What follows is a list that Kaia and Jake made of some of their highlights and lowlights of life in Mpungu. Good things Seeing t...

Longing for Big Box Home Depot - 25/Jun/2010 23:08 - 5146 days ago
I knew it was going to be a challenging trip to the hardware store, but never dreamed it would take more than 24 hours!  A few ...

Longing for Big Box Home Depot - 25/Jun/2010 23:08 - 5146 days ago
I knew it was going to be a challenging trip to the hardware store, but never dreamed it would take more than 24 hours!  A few ...

Makgadikgadi, Tsodilo Hills, Ngepi&home - 04/Jun/2010 13:53 - 5167 days ago
After our time in the Okavango Delta, we had about 4 days left before having to return to work, so we squeezed a trip Makgadikga...

Makgadikgadi, Tsodilo Hills, Ngepi&home - 04/Jun/2010 13:53 - 5167 days ago
After our time in the Okavango Delta, we had about 4 days left before having to return to work, so we squeezed a trip Makgadikga...

Okavango Delta - 02/Jun/2010 21:46 - 5169 days ago
As mentioned in the last blog entry, we coasted into the town of Maun on the last fumes in our gas tank.  We were pleased to di...

Okavango Delta - 02/Jun/2010 21:46 - 5169 days ago
As mentioned in the last blog entry, we coasted into the town of Maun on the last fumes in our gas tank.  We were pleased to di...

muckin’about in Moremi - 28/May/2010 19:30 - 5174 days ago
In our quest to take in as much of southern Africa’s wilderness as we can, we headed in to Moremi Wildlife Reserve just south ...

Choc-full Chobe - 27/May/2010 20:14 - 5175 days ago
Chobe Park in NE Botswana is renowned for its elephants.  My mom Janet was there a few years back and said she saw so many she ...

Victoria Falls through the seasons - 26/May/2010 07:21 - 5176 days ago
[in case any of you didn't realize this, you can enlarge a photo by clicking on it, and enlarge it again by clicking on the medi...

Zambian F-words - 25/May/2010 12:22 - 5177 days ago
Fees, Fares, Falls, Flights and a Ferry! We crossed the border into Zambia at Katima Mulilo, and (luckily) had some advance warn...

marooned in Mamili mud - 24/May/2010 20:58 - 5178 days ago
[we arrived back in Mpungu tonight after 3 and a half weeks of vacation in Caprivi strip, Zambia & northern Botswana. FABULO...

Khaudum–the good, the bad, and the car troubles - 05/May/2010 20:55 - 5197 days ago
We are back in Rundu – about 3 weeks earlier than planned.  The Khaudum trip proved a bit more eventful than we’d hoped.  ...

Botswana-Bound - 28/Apr/2010 22:53 - 5204 days ago
I thought we’d better update the blog before we head out for 3.5 weeks of vacation.  Tomorrow we drive to Rundu, then east 2h...

Betty, Water&Giraffe - 11/Apr/2010 13:13 - 5221 days ago
We said goodbye to Yvonne’s mom Betty as she boarded the “Intercape” bus in Rundu Wednesday night bound for Windhoek.  Sh...

My last day in Mpungu - 01/Apr/2010 06:02 - 5231 days ago
Betty here.               I was up and out at six in the morning to watch the sun rise over the school and see the ...

Team teaching - 29/Mar/2010 20:57 - 5234 days ago
Kaia, Jake, their teacher Mr Handiba, my mom, and I worked as a team today in the grade 4 English class.  Over the weekend, we ...

I made it to Africa! - 29/Mar/2010 14:46 - 5234 days ago
Overcoming my angst about coming to Mpungu was my biggest hurdle.  Yvonne and Cam and their friends along the way smoothed any ...

REALLY off the beaten track - 28/Mar/2010 13:30 - 5235 days ago
Since arriving last September we’ve been talking about and looking forward to visiting some of local schools that were until n...

The Ripple Effect of Teacher Training - 18/Mar/2010 19:36 - 5245 days ago
[Yvonne's mom Betty is now safely on Namibian soil - arrived tired but happy late this morning 900km from us in Windhoek. She wi...

Teaching English with my own 2 hands - 14/Mar/2010 10:05 - 5249 days ago
We are here in Namibia as math teachers and teacher trainers, and have ended up putting a lot of our efforts into computer train...

Bless the rains down in Africa - 11/Mar/2010 08:34 - 5252 days ago
Those of you alive in the 1980s might recall Toto’s hit song that inspired the title of this blog.  We have come to appreciat...

Green thumbs come easily here! - 06/Mar/2010 20:38 - 5257 days ago
[preface] We’re finding it difficult to find time to update our blog these days. This entry comes courtesy of 4 quite sick...

our beloved SV Concordia sinks !!! - 19/Feb/2010 17:49 - 5272 days ago
I was absolutely stunned when I logged onto the Canadian Broadcasting Corp news site this morning and saw that the tall ship SV ...

A Week in the Life… - 14/Feb/2010 22:10 - 5277 days ago
It has been quite a while since last update. We’ve really ramped up our work here and have found very little time to write or ...

Anybody willing to help support our schools? - 22/Jan/2010 14:05 - 5300 days ago
As many of you already know, learning and teaching here in Mpungu is not easy.  Learners work very hard and are for the most pa...

Heading Home to Mpungu - 11/Jan/2010 22:29 - 5311 days ago
Readers who are new to our blog may understandably have the impression that this is nothing more than a Namibian travel blog.  ...

Exploring the Fish and Orange Rivers - 11/Jan/2010 11:54 - 5311 days ago
January 4-6, 2010  Yvonne’s last entry left us at the Skorpion zinc mines (8th largest in the world) in Rosh Pinah close to S...

We were blown away by Luderitz - 10/Jan/2010 22:00 - 5312 days ago
January 2-4, 2010  As we drove out to the coastal city of Lüderitz, through Restricted Diamond Area #1 (yes, it is forbidden t...

Morning climb above NamTib - 10/Jan/2010 15:38 - 5312 days ago
January 1 & 2, 2010 Our friend Daan suggested we stay at the NamTib biosphere reserve just north of Aus, at the edge of the ...

A very“tame”New Years eve at Hammerstein - 09/Jan/2010 22:11 - 5313 days ago
December 30 to Jan 1st Some folks who helped us with our car troubles in Sosusvlei tipped us off about a lodge that had big cats...

What we were dune in Sossusvlei - 08/Jan/2010 21:36 - 5314 days ago
December 29, 2009 We had heard so many great things about Sossusvlei that we were afraid we might be disappointed when we got th...

Chance encounter and Solatairy apple pie - 08/Jan/2010 16:46 - 5314 days ago
December 28 & 29, 2009 Some friends we made on the beach at Henties Bay told us of their favorite drive in Namibia – SW f...

Walvis and Windhoek - 08/Jan/2010 16:16 - 5314 days ago
December 26-27, 2009 We left our B&B in Swakopmund the morning of Dec 26th and drove the 20 minutes south along the coast to...

Cooling off on the coast - 08/Jan/2010 15:07 - 5314 days ago
December 21-23, 2009 On our way out to the coast on December 21st, we could feel the temperature dropping, and we started seeing...

Fabulous Formations at Spitzkoppe - 08/Jan/2010 11:53 - 5314 days ago
December 20 & 21, 2009 Although Sptizkoppe mountain is not as high a mountain as Brandberg, it is more dramatic and is often...

Highest Point, Hottest Hike, Coolest Pictographs - 08/Jan/2010 11:23 - 5314 days ago
December 20, 2009 (posted enroute north to Rundu) This day started with Cam putting on our spare tire at sunrise.  We had our 1...

Rock Art, Rock Music, Rock Comfort - 06/Jan/2010 14:18 - 5316 days ago
NOTE: Yvonne wrote this blog while we drive north from Fish River Canyon to Windhoek.  I am uploadingpublishing it via cellular...

Fabulous Grootberg - 06/Jan/2010 09:18 - 5316 days ago
December 20, 2009 A friend Barbara in Toronto had tipped me off back in August about a fantastic lodge and suggested we visit. ...

Desert Adapted Elephants - 06/Jan/2010 09:07 - 5316 days ago
The north-west region of Namibia is home to some very special elephants that have adapted to a desert environment. It is one of ...

Himba Encounters - 04/Jan/2010 09:05 - 5318 days ago
December 13-18 Kaokoland is homeland of the Himba & Herero people.  As Yvonne mentioned in last entry, they descended from ...

Off road in Kaokoland - 02/Jan/2010 21:49 - 5320 days ago
December 13-17, 2009 Our tour through the northwest of Namibia (NW Kunene Province; also known as “Kaokoland”) started with...

Waiting in line at the Hobatere waterhole - 02/Jan/2010 20:05 - 5320 days ago
This entry comes to you from another inspired Namibian setting – the port town of Luderitz.  The wind is HOWLING as I sit...

Etosha Take Two - 29/Dec/2009 21:24 - 5324 days ago
This blog comes to you from a comfy folding chair, sitting next to the car – with laptop powered by cigarette lighter.  Kids ...

Waterberg Plateau Global Ed Weekend - 27/Dec/2009 23:17 - 5326 days ago
Sorry … this entry is a bit out of date – we did not have a chance to post before leaving Mpungu. We visited Waterberg Plat...

Merry Christmas! - 27/Dec/2009 21:34 - 5326 days ago
A belated “Merry Christmas” goes out to all our readers!  This entry was ready to go on the 25th, but a technical glitch wi...

Mom’s in Mpungu and Muketete - 09/Dec/2009 15:33 - 5344 days ago
Cam’s Mom is now in Mpungu! She arrived yesterday morning after a rather gruelling trek over. 2 red eye flights got to Johanne...

Rural Life in Mukekete - 05/Dec/2009 10:07 - 5348 days ago
On Wednesday, we got the chance to go to the small village of Mukekete with our colleague, Ms Homateni, who grew up there (with ...

Farewell to Dinah and John - 04/Dec/2009 21:57 - 5349 days ago
On Friday November 13th John and Dinah Hilbourne left Himarwa Iithete and Mpungu and headed back to the UK.  These two VSO volu...

Enduring Extreme Exams - 24/Nov/2009 12:44 - 5359 days ago
So we haven’t updated the blog in almost a month – what’s happening??  Hopefully our readers haven’t completely given u...

Carnivores at Kgalagadi - 01/Nov/2009 13:21 - 5382 days ago
Our friend Alan Hobbet tipped us off about a great but rather unknown game park that was not too far from our lodge outside of M...

VSO In-Country Training Part 2 (”ICT2”) - 31/Oct/2009 14:12 - 5383 days ago
On October 18th, just after our trip to Etosha Park, we met up with the other VSO volunteers who had arrived in Namibia at or ar...

Etosha is Wild! - 27/Oct/2009 20:20 - 5387 days ago
We’re finally back to Mpungu after 12 days of adventure and “ICT2”  (2nd VSO In Country Training Sessions).  Sorry for t...

Our 1st game safari - 11/Oct/2009 19:31 - 5403 days ago
Last weekend  (Oct 2-4) we gleefully headed out for our 1st (of many, we hope) game park safari.  We 1st drove the 45 minutes ...

Kaia and Jake’s milestones at school - 08/Oct/2009 20:27 - 5406 days ago
You may have read of Kaia and Jakes’ struggles with school.  Today marked a 1st for both.  Jake lasted for the entire 1...

Meeting hungry teachers - 08/Oct/2009 20:00 - 5406 days ago
On Tuesday, the 4 of us went to Simanya Combined School (“combined” means it includes grades 1-10) to give an introductory w...

Daily chores and more - 07/Oct/2009 04:35 - 5407 days ago
Life seems to be pretty full here.  It’s easy to fall behind on our blog!  This one captures our daily life over past week a...

Firsts…rain, school, boxing - 27/Sep/2009 19:15 - 5417 days ago
We’ve had a good week, and are making friends and finding our feet in various ways.  I’ve included some photos of our secon...

1st Week in Mpungu - 20/Sep/2009 19:43 - 5424 days ago
September 20, 2009 Woke up early and realized that I had slept comfortably UNDER the sheet!  Wow – must have been a cool nigh...

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