Title: Koraput Hilary (India)

Status: Active

URL: http://hilaryjw.blogspot.com/

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The end of an era - 04/May/2010 14:52 - 5328 days ago
I've only been home for a couple of days and it feels very strange.  Everything is very familiar but also very alien and I ...

It's cold! - 02/May/2010 17:55 - 5330 days ago
After all my waiting for flights to resume in Europe to get home I found another hurdle to my return home.  I had finally m...

I'm still waiting - 20/Apr/2010 08:43 - 5342 days ago
I have always said I'd love to go and see an active volcano, all the photos and films that I have seen make them look exciting i...

Trying times - 17/Apr/2010 04:03 - 5345 days ago
I arrived in Delhi 4 days ago.  Stepping off the air-conditiioned train felt like walking into an oven and reminded me how ...

Moving on - 13/Apr/2010 13:48 - 5349 days ago
I was invited to join in the first birthday celebrations of the youngest son of one of my NGO colleagues. This was the second t...

Another couple of my epics - 02/Apr/2010 09:08 - 5360 days ago
I was away from my home in Koraput for 3 weeks and I'd left my PC behind, not wanting to carry it around with me while negot...

A few Darjeeling animals - 25/Mar/2010 16:27 - 5368 days ago
I put aside my prejudices about zoos to visit the zoological park in Darjeeling. I don't like seeing big animals caged up w...

A few days away from Koraput - 25/Mar/2010 16:27 - 5368 days ago
I'm very lucky to have been on a wonderful holiday in Darjeeling. It is a beautiful and fascinating place, a mix of Nepali,...

A week in Puri - 16/Mar/2010 09:54 - 5377 days ago
All the VSO India volunteers + representatives from their partner NGOs were invited to attend an annual conference. The last ti...

Festival of Colours - 01/Mar/2010 13:37 - 5392 days ago
I've just emerged from one of the maddest and most colourful days of my life.  Today, Koraput celebrated Holi, the festival...

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