Title: Lucy Gets Curried Away! (
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My Indian Birthday: Face-Cake and SuperDad’s Triumph Over the Not-So-Artful Dodger - 22/Apr/2010 17:22 - 5341 days ago
At the beginning of this month I celebrated the slow and steady move into my mid twenties. Luckily my family were out visiting ...
A Chair for Sonali - 17/Mar/2010 15:58 - 5377 days ago
I thought I’d share a set of photos showing you a few days at work.Sonali is 5 years old and has had Cerebral Palsy since she ...
Work, Rest, Play and Twinkle the Wonderbike! - 03/Mar/2010 14:50 - 5391 days ago
I thought the time had come now I’m feeling settled in my new home to update you all about life in Orissa at the 3 month point...
Volunteers don rubber gloves to clean the Yamuna - 17/Dec/2009 17:58 - 5467 days ago
December 5th saw VSO India join in the Celebrations for International Volunteer Day. Swetcha, a partner of VSO organised a Yamu...
Lucy puts finger to keyboard! - 02/Dec/2009 18:01 - 5482 days ago
Finally! It’s only taken me three weeks to get my act together but here it is...my first blog post. My good intentions of at l...
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