Title: Erin in Kenya (Kenya)

Status: Active

URL: http://erin-in-kenya.blogspot.com/

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Asante and Kwaheri - 15/May/2010 01:11 - 5317 days ago
Well, there are many more stories to tell but I have to cut it off at some point and after more than a week at home I think I’...

New Digs - 12/May/2010 13:31 - 5320 days ago
Lucky for me VSO managed to coordinate my replacement volunteer before I left. Kirsteen joined me in Gatura a week before my sch...

Il Ngwesi - 12/May/2010 02:21 - 5320 days ago
I thought my free high-end vacations were over when Amanda quit her job with the luxury real estate magazine but I’ve managed ...

Kids and Kiondos - 11/May/2010 07:15 - 5321 days ago
One of my last days before my replacement showed up I had an interesting/depressing/uplifting day of work. The work days here ar...

Gatura - 11/May/2010 04:00 - 5321 days ago
I don't think I've really ever posted any photos of Gatura on this blog so heere's a tour of my tiny town!Gatura is the biggest ...

The Story of Esther - 10/May/2010 19:06 - 5322 days ago
On my last week on the job we were finally able to finish one of our projects we had been working on for several months. Francis...

What's for Dinner? - 29/Apr/2010 18:31 - 5333 days ago
Since I'm feeling a bit lazy tonight and it's a nice follow-up to the last post I thought I'd show everyone what I've been eatin...

Chapo - 28/Apr/2010 19:08 - 5334 days ago
As part of my Kikuyu training Grace has taught me how to make chapattis. Chapattis are a staple food in Kenya and are served wit...

Art School - 27/Apr/2010 15:54 - 5335 days ago
I leave a week from today! And I'm so behind on my blog :) But I've decided to make an entry every day before I leave so get rea...

Do You Trust Me? - 26/Apr/2010 18:19 - 5336 days ago
I mean, I'm wearing a Trust t-shirt and sitting in a Trust truck so how couldn't you trust me? We had a very successful event wi...

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