Title: Jason and Anna in Mbarara (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://jasonandannainmbarara.blogspot.com/

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Two Years On - And Our Final Blog Post - 07/Mar/2011 18:36 - 4891 days ago
Since we got back to the UK (in June 2010) we've been meaning to do a final blog-post to update you on our last few weeks i...

Nearing the End of our Ugandan Adventure :-( - 14/May/2010 08:34 - 5188 days ago
It's now less than four weeks until we fly back to Heathrow - Volcanoes and BA strikes permitting. I'm feeling a mixture of exci...

Fantastic Pharmacy Students! - 24/Apr/2010 14:15 - 5208 days ago
One of the Second Year Pharmacy students came to see me this week, to tell me that the students were arranging a farewell tea pa...

How to NOT chop down trees... - 23/Apr/2010 08:17 - 5209 days ago
Many people believe that our lives in Mbarara are simple and uneventful. Thankfully we have a number of people in the locality w...

Easter Weekend in Rwanda - 18/Apr/2010 12:03 - 5214 days ago
We'd been wondering what to do over the long Easter weekend, as there is never much happening in Mbarara, and we event...

Mbarara Rally 2010 - Boma Grounds - 18/Apr/2010 11:49 - 5214 days ago
Uganda has its own Rally series and local drivers (who typically fund themselves) take part in a number of rounds around the cou...

Graduation 2010&ICS and Pharmacy Dinners - 12/Apr/2010 18:54 - 5220 days ago
Graduation 2010Although it has been a very long time since we posted on the Blog, it is not because we have actually been slacki...

First Wedding Anniversary: Lake Bunyonyi (5th - 7th February 2010) - 10/Mar/2010 08:29 - 5253 days ago
We spent a couple of days at Lake Bunyonyi to celebrate our first wedding anniversary last month - can't believe it's been a yea...

Travels with Chris and Pete: 27th December 2009 - 8th January 2010 - 19/Feb/2010 09:46 - 5272 days ago
Our friends Peter and Christine came out to see us on the day my parents left, and we started another little tour of Uganda with...

Fort Portal and Kibale Forest: 23rd - 27th December 2009 - 29/Jan/2010 07:55 - 5293 days ago
The next part of our trip took us to Fort Portal, a town near the Rwenzori Mountains, a couple of hours drive from Queen El...

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