Title: Pat in Zebilla (
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Goodbye to Ghana - 25/Oct/2010 09:04 - 5155 days ago
September is all a bit of a blur. Leaving became very real once my flight details were confirmed and I started making arrangemen...
Untitled - 04/Aug/2010 14:17 - 5237 days ago
So where did June and July go to?May ended with puppy sitting and a rather sadder funeral than I had previously experienced here...
Untitled - 17/Jun/2010 17:27 - 5285 days ago
During May we have had the first real rain since before Christmas as the weather changes from the dry hot season to the rainy se...
Untitled - 24/May/2010 09:32 - 5309 days ago
We are racing through April at an alarming rate.Even the local Ghanaians are complaining of the heat.‘We are suffering‘ is t...
Untitled - 24/May/2010 09:28 - 5309 days ago
Time is flying by and I am having a bit of a blitz this weekend on catching up with the blog as I have got rather behind.Feb 14t...
Untitled - 04/Mar/2010 10:28 - 5390 days ago
At Christmas I travelled with 4 other volunteers from this area via Kumasi to Koforidua to join other volunteers for the holiday...
Untitled - 21/Dec/2009 10:36 - 5463 days ago
Christmas here is celebrated by Christians in church but is otherwise quite low key. There are a few signs of a more commerciali...
Mobile on a moto - 09/Dec/2009 10:57 - 5475 days ago
A couple of weeks ago I went to Bolgatanga with some other VSO volunteers and completed a week of moto training/practice and lot...
Early days - 30/Oct/2009 13:34 - 5515 days ago
Each day brings new sights, experiences, friends and quite a bit of culture shock along the way. I am sharing a house with two V...
First days in Ghana - 23/Sep/2009 20:49 - 5552 days ago
Jude helped me set up this blog today....
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