Title: Random Uganda (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://randomuganda.blogspot.com/

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Return to Random Uganda - 16/Aug/2011 18:19 - 4729 days ago
Yes, I understand, this blog is beyond resuscitation.What is the saying about flogging a dead blog?Well.I am sure I won’t be t...

Increasingly more random... and far less Uganda. - 12/Nov/2010 20:09 - 5006 days ago
It's pretty sad when a blog that is already languishing in obscurity gets ignored by the only person who reads it (and writes it...

one last road trip - 28/May/2010 06:25 - 5174 days ago
One last road tripOver the course of the year, I have traveled with Alison (reintroduction: Alison is a London GP here with the ...

one last boda ride... - 26/May/2010 07:41 - 5176 days ago
One last Boda ride.Last monday’s hash was way out past Kireka (home of Uganda’s Nelson Mandela Stadium) on the road out to t...

updates - 17/May/2010 12:22 - 5185 days ago
a lioness in the Serengeti enjoys a little fresh gnu.for more pictures of the serengetia mommy and baby black rhino in Ngorongor...

what Africa needs... - 17/May/2010 11:23 - 5185 days ago
Okay. So I may be a little slow. It has taken a while to sink in.Maybe it should have dawned on me when I was at the Serengeti...

brief update - 29/Apr/2010 06:14 - 5203 days ago
Sorry the blog seems to be languishing at the moment.Don't be dismayed, there is plenty more cynical and injurious reflection le...

Nancy goes on Safari! - 15/Apr/2010 07:38 - 5217 days ago
The rare Murchison Falls rock climbing hippo!our first leopard spotting...Nancy wasted no time at demonstrating superior safari ...

signing off for a while... - 08/Apr/2010 13:15 - 5224 days ago
Nancy flew into Entebbe last night, after a brief stopover to visit Anabelle in Paris, and a quick plane change in Amsterdam. W...

Plight of the Bodas (part 2, up close and personal) - 06/Apr/2010 10:47 - 5226 days ago
The boda boda crackdown (see previous post, plight of the bodas) has eased up. Unlicensed, unhelmeted bodas have returned as th...

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