Title: Freetown Blog (
Sierra Leone)
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.. and home again - 02/May/2010 10:32 - 5331 days ago
On Thursday, we found out that although salaries and back pay for health workers had been processed by the Ministry of Finance a...
Launch Day - 27/Apr/2010 15:07 - 5336 days ago
This free healthcare issue - we need to grasp it with both hands!Yesterday was the last pre-launch Ministry Steering Group...
Pujehun - 23/Apr/2010 00:35 - 5340 days ago
This week Senior staff in the Ministry have been dispatched to Districts across the country to assess readiness for the expected...
A bit of context - 14/Apr/2010 17:09 - 5349 days ago
Clinging on to the roller coaster of daily work in the Ministry it was good to be reminded of what it's all about, via anarticle...
Not about work at all - 10/Apr/2010 15:58 - 5353 days ago
A couple of weeks ago I had an email from someone who had got my contact through this blog and asked whether I could find out an...
Not all hard work - 08/Apr/2010 20:13 - 5355 days ago
I just looked back over my last few entries and realised it sounds like I'm not doing much apart from work. On reflection, ...
Recruiting up-line - 02/Apr/2010 13:22 - 5361 days ago
It was good to get out of the hot-house of the Ministry yesterday and come here to Bo to help the team who have been touri...
On the Strike - 27/Mar/2010 11:06 - 5367 days ago
When you write a blog it's easy to forget that it's like writing a letter and nailing it to a tree - you have no idea who might ...
The Simple Goal - 24/Mar/2010 13:28 - 5370 days ago
The transformation of the Ministry of Health into a place of rapid decision and action over the past three months is highlightin...
Trying to get sorted - 20/Mar/2010 20:32 - 5374 days ago
It's Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting in a bar (drinking ice tea - after re-acquainting myself with Star beer last night). The...
...and back again - 17/Mar/2010 21:56 - 5377 days ago
When I left Sierra Leone last December, I did hope that I would be returning at some point, but never expected it to be this qui...
Goodbye Salone - 21/Dec/2009 13:46 - 5463 days ago
I am writing this just after midnight on the plane from Freetown to Heathrow. I have always found that flyingis like being in em...
A festive Freetown surprise - 19/Dec/2009 09:45 - 5465 days ago
I was lying on my bed under the mosquito net in the dark, sometime after 10pm. It was a very warm night (so no surpise there) an...
The Boat Pushing and Other Adventures - 17/Dec/2009 00:27 - 5467 days ago
We are now back in Freetown after 8 days of travelling down the coast and up-country. We set off last Wednesday with only a vagu...
Institute for Healthcare Improvement - 08/Dec/2009 20:50 - 5476 days ago
Over the past 20 years, I have been involved in a lot of different health service quality improvement projects and my experience...
First day of the holiday - 05/Dec/2009 15:31 - 5479 days ago
As it happened, the rendezvous at the airport went without a hitch. After an evening beer with the Kenyan VSO's, I had a c...
Getting to the airport - 03/Dec/2009 12:13 - 5481 days ago
Freetown has the third largest natural harbour in the World. The city itself is on one side of the harbour, while the airport is...
Tying things up at work - 01/Dec/2009 11:36 - 5483 days ago
It's my last few days at work now, and I'm trying to finish things off and spend time talking to others about their plans for ne...
St George's Cathedral - 29/Nov/2009 02:58 - 5485 days ago
Travelling into the city centre for pleasure has not been high on my priority list until now, but yesterday, Jayne, Becky and I ...
A request from VSO - 26/Nov/2009 22:22 - 5488 days ago
VSO London has been in touch today, wanting feedback on my experience of being here. The demand for health managers is greater t...
Learning Krio (small, small) - 24/Nov/2009 20:16 - 5490 days ago
Last Thursday I had a barb, although I wasn't aware of the fact at the time. I only realised the next morning, when I arrived at...
A Sunday stroll - via Leicester and Gloucester - 22/Nov/2009 18:02 - 5492 days ago
Today Becky (VSO colleague) and I have been for a great walk in the hills behind Freetown. We had been told where the route bega...
A shocking lunch - 20/Nov/2009 17:01 - 5494 days ago
It is Friday again and I was disappointed this morning when Dr Sandi turned up in a rather conventional shirt on the very day I ...
Working hard - 18/Nov/2009 10:41 - 5496 days ago
I really wasn't expecting to be working quite as intensively as I have been. This is great, as I feel like I am in among it, tho...
Freetown Sounds - 16/Nov/2009 11:24 - 5498 days ago
One thing I haven't mentioned much so far, and which you obviously can't get through a picture, is what this place sounds like. ...
On communicating by email - 14/Nov/2009 11:41 - 5500 days ago
I've got the runs. Apologies if that is too much information, but I did say I would use my blog to keep people udpated with my m...
Comparing notes - 12/Nov/2009 11:57 - 5502 days ago
In my previous experience of VSO in Uganda, the organisation was very strongly British. Almost all of the volunteers w...
Street life - 10/Nov/2009 16:37 - 5504 days ago
I spend quite a bit of time on the street, at least it feels like it. Last night, for the first time, I actually wondered whethe...
Mile 91 - 08/Nov/2009 19:51 - 5506 days ago
It has been good to get out of Freetown this weekend. We left early yesterday morning and chartered a taxi across the city ...
White Man's Grave - 06/Nov/2009 13:47 - 5508 days ago
It was not for nothing that in the 19th Century, the area that is now Sierra Leone was known as the“White Man’s Grave”.A t...
Never a dull moment - 05/Nov/2009 16:06 - 5509 days ago
The office gossip can be high quality here. The Ministers office is just up the corridor and the news that is now on the link be...
Just like Wales (in some ways) - 04/Nov/2009 09:35 - 5510 days ago
Every Monday morning there is an 8.15 meeting of the Directors in the Ministry of Health (which I and two VSO colleagues get to ...
Slogans, shopkeepers and comedy - 01/Nov/2009 10:06 - 5513 days ago
The minibus taxis that ply the streets of Freetown invariably have slogans painted on their body work. They can vary from the po...
Dress down Friday - 30/Oct/2009 23:53 - 5515 days ago
Actually, 'dress up Friday' would be a more accurate description. A lot of the Ministry staff dress very smartly on every day&nb...
Around Home - 28/Oct/2009 20:34 - 5517 days ago
I'm trying to find a way to describe what the immediate environment of the house is like without it sounding contradictory. Here...
Sunday Service - 27/Oct/2009 20:37 - 5518 days ago
On Sunday it was the annual medical and health services Sunday service, which was held at the Methodist Church in Central Freeto...
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