Title: Our Man in Cameroon (Cameroon)

Status: Inactive

URL: http://ourmanincameroon.com/

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Gout in Cameroon - 02/Jan/2012 05:01 - 4720 days ago
Hi Fellow Aid Workers, Well . . . it turns out a LOT of the relief-workers in Cameroon apparently have gout!  I’ve receiv...

Welcome to Our Man in Cameroon - 07/Sep/2011 01:56 - 4837 days ago
This site is dedicated to all the positive spirits in the world who are working to help the people of Cameroon....

Six months after Cameroon - 11/Mar/2010 03:24 - 5382 days ago
I was prompted to write this after I read the following poem posted by a fellow VSO volunteer. I knew her in my time in Cameroon...

Leaving Cameroon is proving trickier than I thought - 11/Sep/2009 17:55 - 5563 days ago
NB: My time in Cameroon is now over.  This is the first post of two summing up my thoughts. With two months to go in Cameroon a...

Some final thoughts on VSO - 27/Aug/2009 14:03 - 5578 days ago
The important thing that you need to know is that what I am about to write is inexcusable, from VSOs point of view, but not a re...

While you wait - 24/Aug/2009 19:17 - 5581 days ago
This shaky one shot video was taken by a colleague and given to me as part of a whole stack of other recordings that he wanted m...

The leaving of COPAAP - 22/Aug/2009 12:29 - 5583 days ago
As predicted there was no way of getting through the leaving do without wearing traditonal dress. The event, as always,s started...

Corruption *IS* killing Cameroon - 19/Aug/2009 14:26 - 5586 days ago
During a wider discussion on whether corruption can ever be excused, or even in the case of corrupt cop versus “rich suv ...

A Country Tale - 18/Aug/2009 11:22 - 5587 days ago
Recently I had cause to spend a rare night outside of Bamenda and stay in rural Babessi. Travel isn’t so much hard in Cameroon...

My Cameroon soundtrack. The songs that kept me sane - 12/Aug/2009 09:47 - 5593 days ago
It was only seven years ago that I set out on a “year off” armed with only a dozen CDs and a Discman. We’ve co...

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