Title: Chris and Jon in Cambodia (Cambodia)

Status: Active

URL: http://www.chrisandjonincambodia.blogspot.com/

All Posts Cached via RSS

Hello from Cambodia 19 - 23/May/2009 07:00 - 5675 days ago
Unless something goes dramatically wrong this will be the last blog that we will send from Cambodia. Yesterday we booked a fligh...

Hello from Cambodia 18 - 24/Mar/2009 10:41 - 5735 days ago
While England was experiencing its worst“snow event” for 20 years Cambodia was having its own severe weather problem –MORE...

Hello from Cambodia 17 - 18/Jan/2009 08:31 - 5800 days ago
It's cold!!!!!! No kidding the last few weeks have been bloody freezing. There is a continuous strong breeze so there is the "wi...

Hello from Cambodia 16 - 05/Nov/2008 10:24 - 5874 days ago
November 1st 2008. We have been living in Phnom Preuk for exactly 1 year now, so maybe in true VSO style we should engage in a l...

Hello from Cambodia 15 - 15/Sep/2008 10:41 - 5925 days ago
It is exactly 1 year since we arrived in Cambodia. Wow that was quick!This blog will mainly be“what we did in our summer holid...

Hello from Cambodia 14 - 10/Jul/2008 10:04 - 5992 days ago
It’s been rather a long time since our last blog and we can’t use the excuse that we are rushed off our feet. It’s more th...

Hello from Cambodia 13 - 19/May/2008 03:38 - 6044 days ago
Its been a while since the last Blog mainly because we haven’t been at home much in the last 6 weeks. In fact this is being wr...

Hello from Cambodia 12 - 05/Apr/2008 08:50 - 6088 days ago
At last we have started to do some proper work. We ran a workshop for 30 people on Effective Teaching and Learning and it went o...

Hello from Cambodia 11 - 02/Mar/2008 07:54 - 6122 days ago
So here we are 6 months in and really beginning to feel like ex pats. We returned from Kampong Chang and the language course wit...

Hello from Cambodia 10 - 03/Feb/2008 11:26 - 6150 days ago
Happy New Year.This blog is being written in our room in the Mekong Hotel in Kampong Cham. We are back here for 2 weeks for the ...

Hello from Cambodia 9 - 29/Dec/2007 06:29 - 6186 days ago
The draft of this latest blog is being composed on Christmas Day while sitting beside the blue sparkling waters of the Gulf of T...

Untitled - 16/Dec/2007 09:07 - 6199 days ago
Happy Christmasfrom CambodiaLove fromChris and Jon xxxx...

Hello from Cambodia 8 - 07/Dec/2007 07:33 - 6208 days ago
Tales from the Wild West.We have been living here a month now and are beginning to feel less like visitors from the planet Ogg. ...

Untitled - 24/Nov/2007 03:19 - 6221 days ago
This blog is going to be brief because it has already been written once in draft form and that disappeared when Chris’s bag wa...

Hello from Cambodia 6 - 09/Nov/2007 08:44 - 6236 days ago
So here we are in a new house, in a new job, in a new town, in a new country, in a new continent all of which are very, very, ve...

Untitled - 19/Oct/2007 06:56 - 6257 days ago
So we are still on the In Country Training in Kampong Cham and wishing it would end so we can get on with actually doing somethi...

Hello from Cambodia 4 - 06/Oct/2007 03:54 - 6270 days ago
So we have been in Cambodia for a month now and we are no closer to understanding this country and its people .In fact the longe...

Hello from Cambodia 3 - 22/Sep/2007 08:40 - 6284 days ago
We have been here 2 weeks, it seems like so much longer. Already so much which we originally found strange we take for granted. ...

Hello from Cambodia 2 - 15/Sep/2007 10:25 - 6291 days ago
Saturday 15th September.SuarsadeiHere we are in the real Cambodia. We have left Phnom Phen and travelled 3 hours by bus to the t...

Hello from Cambodia 1 - 15/Sep/2007 10:20 - 6291 days ago
Hello from Cambodia. Sunday Sept 9thAll settled in and beginning to ...

Jetting off! - 22/Aug/2007 10:57 - 6315 days ago
Chris and Jon travel to Cambodia on the 5th September! Follow their travels here!...

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