Title: Mark Takefman in Barmer (India)

Status: Active

URL: http://marktakefman.blogspot.com/

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Argentina Miracle - 19/Feb/2011 13:05 - 4907 days ago
In 2002 I went to anInternational Association of National Youth Serviceconference in Buenos Aries dealing with national communit...

This is the End - 04/Feb/2011 04:57 - 4922 days ago
As I quickly approach the end of my two year posting in Barmer, Rajasthan working at SURE I have been reflecting on what I was a...

New Hindi Word - 19/Jan/2011 14:35 - 4938 days ago
2am, Jan 19, 2011, Barmer, RajasthanI just learnt a new Hindi word: BhukampIt means earthquake.5 minutes before my neighbou...

Update: Leatherman Returned - 23/Dec/2010 07:34 - 4965 days ago
Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head…Went outside to find my Leatherman multi-tool on the floor of my front ...

Of Language and Personality - 14/Dec/2010 12:35 - 4974 days ago
I was asked to give a one hour talk at the local boys college on language and personality. Ok, you can stop laughing.  The ...

Snippets - 11/Dec/2010 03:06 - 4977 days ago
Sure has a vacuum cleaner. A simple canister type. But it wasn’t working, the plug needed to be rewired.  So I fixed ...

Paul&Mark's October 2010 Quick Trip Specs - 08/Dec/2010 03:39 - 4980 days ago
   Time Period: August 27thto September 19th(Mark) and 24th(Paul)   Overall distance traveled:...

The Long and Slow Road - 15/Nov/2010 08:43 - 5003 days ago
November 15, 2010I’m back in Barmer, Rajasthan. Asked by SURE to complete the work I was not able to continue six months a...

July 26, 2010, Last day in Barmer - 28/Jul/2010 06:06 - 5113 days ago
I had already packed up my first four bags and left Barmer last June 15.  But I left behind another 5 bags that I returned ...

10 - 12/Apr/2010 08:33 - 5220 days ago
I’ve been writing a lot about driving inIndia. I’ve also read a few other very funny accounts all along the same kin...

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