Title: Emily Bullock (Nigeria)

Status: Active

URL: http://emily-in-nigeria.blogspot.com/

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Petrol at£4 a litre? - 11/Jan/2012 15:33 - 4711 days ago
I left Nigeria less than two months ago and am still very aware of contrasts between Britain and Nigeria, so I know that in...

Electricity, water and plastic money - 26/Nov/2011 11:22 - 4757 days ago
Last Tuesday morning I got a phone call, which led me to jump on a plane in a hurry, and arrive in the UK.  VSO of course d...

Happy Birthday Nigeria 51 today! - 01/Oct/2011 19:53 - 4813 days ago
Today Nigeria is 51, this time last year I was in a crowd of Nigerians in Eagle Square in Abuja, who were proud of their country...

Climate Change - North and South - 03/Sep/2011 20:55 - 4841 days ago
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change defines an extreme weather event asan event that is rare at a particular place and...

Jesus wept - 28/Aug/2011 08:48 - 4847 days ago
Last week as I sat in car on a journey to the Sunshine State, I was driven at speeds of up to 140kmph by a Nigerian, who maybe t...

OD - Happy Day! - 23/Aug/2011 08:26 - 4852 days ago
Having promised to tell you more about my work, today I found a message in my inbox from the Chair of the Board congratulating m...

Lagos - Perceptions and Reality - 22/Aug/2011 01:03 - 4853 days ago
Before I came to Nigeria, I was scared of it, and even more scared of Lagos. If you are wondering why I am surprised, Niger...

And then the doors closed... - 20/Aug/2011 18:57 - 4855 days ago
Last Saturday I got in a lift, and pressed number 6, as the doors closed I panicked a little and questioned my sanity. I ca...

My Work - 19/Aug/2011 20:59 - 4856 days ago
I realise I haven’t written much about my work, maybe because it feels like it is taking me such a long time to achieve anythi...

NEST Organisational Development Plan - almost there - 16/Aug/2011 13:26 - 4859 days ago
About a month agoI wroteabout the challenges of getting from an OD assessment to an OD plan, and how I had just had a week of us...

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