Title: Sarah Oakes (Indonesia)

Status: Active

URL: http://sarahoakes.wordpress.com/

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Untitled - 03/Jan/2012 08:14 - 4720 days ago
The more time I spend working in the field, and the more flaws I find in the current International Development system, the more ...

Getting social to make real change - 03/Jan/2012 08:14 - 4720 days ago
The more time I spend working in the field, and the more flaws I find in the current International Development system, the more ...

Think more, spend less - 31/Jul/2011 08:47 - 4876 days ago
Lots of complaining so far. Now for something more positive… So how can we make it work? Work directly with people who car...

Think more, spend less - 31/Jul/2011 08:47 - 4876 days ago
Lots of complaining so far. Now for something more positive… So how can we make it work? Work directly with people who car...

Solving the world’s problems with donuts - 30/Jul/2011 08:29 - 4877 days ago
Issue # 4: New theories do not translate to different practices. So many times the money givers change focus. They learn someth...

Solving the world’s problems with donuts - 30/Jul/2011 08:29 - 4877 days ago
Issue # 4: New theories do not translate to different practices. So many times the money givers change focus. They learn so...

Corruption? What corruption? - 29/Jul/2011 08:23 - 4878 days ago
Issue # 3: Corruption is rife at every level and in every sector. It is rife in government departments, and sadly, also rife in...

Corruption? What corruption? - 29/Jul/2011 08:23 - 4878 days ago
Issue # 3: Corruption is rife at every level and in every sector. It is rife in government departments, and sadly, also rif...

Following the leader…but which one–the cash or the cause? - 28/Jul/2011 08:20 - 4879 days ago
Issue # 2: International Development is viewed with completely different eyes by local people working in the field. In the deve...

Following the leader…but which one–the cash or the cause? - 28/Jul/2011 08:20 - 4879 days ago
Issue # 2: International Development is viewed with completely different eyes by local people working in the field. In the ...

So…why isn’t International Development working? - 27/Jul/2011 09:09 - 4880 days ago
Issue #1: Too many people have a vested interest in the system staying as it is. It is hard to be objective about development wo...

So…why isn’t International Development working? - 27/Jul/2011 09:09 - 4880 days ago
Issue #1: Too many people have a vested interest in the system staying as it is. It is hard to be objective about development wo...

I’m going to change the world and this is how it starts… - 27/Jul/2011 08:14 - 4880 days ago
Over the next few days I’m going to share some thoughts after spending seven years working in International Development an...

I’m going to change the world and this is how it starts… - 27/Jul/2011 08:14 - 4880 days ago
Over the next few days I’m going to share some thoughts after spending seven years working in International Development an...

Monkeys, cheese and mouldiness - 16/Feb/2011 09:58 - 5041 days ago
It’s been an awfully long time since I wrote anything down apart from long ‘to do’ lists so I’m going to try and write s...

Monkeys, cheese and mouldiness - 16/Feb/2011 09:58 - 5041 days ago
It’s been an awfully long time since I wrote anything down apart from long ‘to do’ lists so I’m going to try and write s...

Ordinary Events, Extraordinary Endings…. - 21/Dec/2010 12:50 - 5098 days ago
Christmas. It’s in the Post. I’ve been trying to send my Christmas parcels home in good time since the end of November now. ...

Ordinary Events, Extraordinary Endings…. - 21/Dec/2010 12:50 - 5098 days ago
Christmas. It’s in the Post. I’ve been trying to send my Christmas parcels home in good time since the end of November now. ...

Nobody panic!!! All better now! - 19/Oct/2010 01:54 - 5161 days ago
Everyone can calm down now - I’m all better! It seems all I needed was to spend a day looking at a big pile of crisp pack...

Nobody panic!!! All better now! - 19/Oct/2010 01:54 - 5161 days ago
Everyone can calm down now – I’m all better! It seems all I needed was to spend a day looking at a big pile of ...

Thangs you for come to fisiting us! - 18/Oct/2010 11:26 - 5162 days ago
Just wanted to share some wonderful examples of why it is constantly amusing to live in a place where English is seen as an impo...

Unfavourable encounters that strike you as strange, offensive, and unacceptable (AKA The Negative Blog) - 13/Oct/2010 12:04 - 5167 days ago
Culture shock – a subcategory of transition shock. Transition shock is a state of loss and disorientation predicated by a ...

Pete’s blog–a far funnier version of the same events - 26/Aug/2010 04:20 - 5215 days ago
Please let me introduce Pete’s blog: http://petesmagicaladventures.blogspot.com/ This blog describes exactly the same stuf...

Allah, can you turn it down please?! - 26/Aug/2010 04:09 - 5215 days ago
I know it’s been a while since my last blog so I have over a month of unexplained business to cover, but with this blog I want...

Wedding, Wedding, Celebrating your First Period, Wedding. - 18/Jul/2010 12:21 - 5254 days ago
Sorry its been a while since my last update. Bizarrely, I’ve been too busy going to weddings to write anything. Today we h...

Another year of life, another jump off a cliff - 07/Jul/2010 12:14 - 5265 days ago
SO since my last proper ‘what we’ve been doing’ post, we’ve had a birthday (mine!), complete with a near fire on a bamb...

Schmoking! - 04/Jul/2010 12:00 - 5268 days ago
Well, most of the volunteers on our trip have developed a pack-a-day habit – just to follow the cultural norms you unde...

Poo - 01/Jul/2010 11:25 - 5271 days ago
I know this won’t be to everyone’s taste, so if you don’t care for excrement talk, don’t read on. But si...

What a lovely holiday! - 25/Jun/2010 01:16 - 5277 days ago
Guilty as charged – I feel a little bit like I’m on holiday right now… Yes, I know  I’m supposed to be ...

Here we are! - 16/Jun/2010 15:45 - 5286 days ago
So, here we are now in Bali! We’ve been here just over a week now, settling in and being ‘inducted’.  The mai...

A bit about what we’re doing and VSO - 25/May/2010 13:32 - 5308 days ago
You can find out a bit about VSO, who I’m volunteering with, here and here’s lots of volunteers explaining what VS...

Tana Toraja–one great big death party! - 25/May/2010 13:30 - 5308 days ago
One of the coolest places to go on our island Sulawesi is Tana Toraja, famous for celebrating funerals – which they save u...

Tana Toraja–one great big death party! - 25/May/2010 13:30 - 5308 days ago
One of the coolest places to go on our island Sulawesi is Tana Toraja, famous for celebrating funerals – which they save u...

Off we go! - 25/May/2010 11:37 - 5308 days ago
So here’s my first blog so we all have a practice of writing and reading it before I go! In less than a week we are going...

Off we go! - 25/May/2010 11:37 - 5308 days ago
So here’s my first blog so we all have a practice of writing and reading it before I go! In less than a week we are going...

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