Title: Wendy Bird in Cameroon (
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Kribi - a perfect way to end our stay - 21/Sep/2009 19:21 - 5554 days ago
The last few days provided the opportunity to go to Kribi, a quick trip to a tropical beach. The journey was an adventure. I hav...
Last week in Cameroon - 14/Sep/2009 19:56 - 5561 days ago
Setting time aside for sightseeing. First a trip to Lake Alwen. We left early in the morning; it was cool, misty and had that ea...
Born House, a special occasion - 25/Aug/2009 20:05 - 5581 days ago
Visiting a family to celebrate the birthof their child, now 6 weeks old was avery special occasion.We went to NOWEFOR with a vie...
R&R shoppping and social occasions - 25/Aug/2009 18:59 - 5581 days ago
Early July we had a completely free weekend other than meeting Sam, Veronica’s brother to go find some material and then to th...
Different ways of working - 12/Aug/2009 19:29 - 5594 days ago
You may already know I am back home, well and now fully rested. It is time to think back and update the blog now that I have com...
Untitled - 03/Aug/2009 22:40 - 5603 days ago
Our last contact with health care, albeit informal was with CODEF ( Community Development and Epilepsy Foundation), which is a m...
Traditional dental care - 07/Jul/2009 14:35 - 5630 days ago
Before going to work we left early to observe Veronica's encounter with a traditional dental hygienist. I know no other way of d...
Veronica's project - 06/Jul/2009 17:26 - 5631 days ago
Another experience was voluntary (voluntary) work. At the Baptist Centre we met Veronica, a Cameroonian woman who is from Bamend...
Health Care facilities - 03/Jul/2009 17:44 - 5634 days ago
The internet connection has been intermittent and there is so much to add to update the blog. So many things going on in a day t...
First free weekend - 18/Jun/2009 17:08 - 5649 days ago
Another first. It is the first weekend we have free. So its washing andironingand time to explore the Baptist Mission site. S...
First day in the office - 15/Jun/2009 18:59 - 5652 days ago
Wednesday 10th JuneFirst day in the office.We arrived whilst the employer was having a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture ...
First week - In Country Training - 09/Jun/2009 18:05 - 5658 days ago
In Country Training (ICT) in Yaounde and now in Bamenda has been an experience. Difficult to describe Cameroon. It makes the opp...
En route to Cameroon - 31/May/2009 16:29 - 5667 days ago
It has been busy the last few days but passport and visa back Friday in time, just, case packed today , just rucksack to do and ...
I have started blogging... - 28/May/2009 19:34 - 5670 days ago
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