Title: Ashtin Doorgakant (Malawi)

Status: Active

URL: http://ashtinafrica.blogspot.com/

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Riding on... - 18/Sep/2013 20:55 - 4095 days ago
Sequel of an episode started a long time ago in Malawi.This is one of the final stages in the creation of MOMOCO i.e Malawi Orth...

Malawi in the news (previously unpublished) - 15/Jul/2012 18:46 - 4525 days ago
(purely my views, accurate or not)Malawi is rocking the BBC world service station as we speak and this is owing to a rather unex...

Back‘Home’ - 30/Jun/2012 20:27 - 4540 days ago
Long delayed finale..Lots happened since I wrote this piece for VSO 3months ago..So much that a finale redux might be in order.....

Clinical Digest16 A retrospective - 30/Dec/2011 11:06 - 4723 days ago
It feels strange writing this blog now and thinking back at the time I first set foot in a hospital in Malawi during this placem...

TOP 10 MALAWI - 25/Dec/2011 13:04 - 4728 days ago
Slowest internet connection ever today... photos will have to wait a bit!Happy Christmas to ya'all!(chronological)Lilongwe 6week...

Clinical Digest15 Cutting - 26/Nov/2011 19:41 - 4757 days ago
The blog Not Made in China produced the desired response (largely due to its controversial nature). The controversy was without ...

NOT MADE IN CHINA: MIXED MEDIA - 08/Nov/2011 12:31 - 4775 days ago
Not a blog really. Not an essay. Maybe I’m putting it down here as a record of a creation on Malawian soil. Which will remain ...

A certain tolerance of (gross) imperfection - 17/Oct/2011 11:18 - 4797 days ago
There is an anecdote recently from work that encompassed so many aspects of this feature so Malawian that I really have to eleva...

Lake of Stars 2011 - 03/Oct/2011 17:51 - 4811 days ago
I am aware that most of my latest entries have borne a reference to a similar period from last year. In fact I can predict that ...

Enter Chilldom - 30/Sep/2011 00:27 - 4814 days ago
You can plan a nice long relaxing weekend up Mulanje mountain with plenty of time to recover or you can tag it on to the end of ...

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