Title: Sam Elrick (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://samdoesuganda.blogspot.com/

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Mulago....Mulago.....Mulago - 06/Jun/2010 13:57 - 5165 days ago
It's not for the faint of heart that is for sure. It was with some trepidation that I arrived for my first shift at Mulago Acci...

The Serengeti - 06/Jun/2010 13:46 - 5165 days ago
They call it endless plains, a special sense of freedom that goes on forever,Once you've found that place, your body may leave b...

The Wedding of the Century - 06/Jun/2010 13:01 - 5165 days ago
An arrival from deepest, darkest Africa saw it all begin with a surprise,The shock defied words, and brought tears to Michael's ...

A journey into the badlands - 04/Feb/2010 09:13 - 5287 days ago
We ventured way up north we had to cross the line,Lost in the badlands, but the Kidepo valley looked fine.We traveled for days o...

A proposal to VSO - 04/Feb/2010 09:07 - 5287 days ago
I shall start by proclaiming 'Dear VSO',I have to confess I traveled overland to Kidepo.There's work to be done in the National ...

The nature walk - 04/Feb/2010 08:56 - 5287 days ago
The day was hot and the grass oh so long,They called it a nature walk but something seemed slightly wrong.The grass hit me in th...

Oh how they love me - 04/Feb/2010 08:32 - 5287 days ago
I traversed Uganda through formerly troubled towns,And found a place called Kidepo where insects abound.At first they didn't rea...

A Ugandan Christmas Safari - 06/Jan/2010 11:31 - 5316 days ago
Looking back on my Christmas safari around Uganda it is hard to know how to describe it properly or where to begin. So I'll jus...

Endangered but Cherished - 06/Jan/2010 11:20 - 5316 days ago
They said '...be prepared you may have to trek all day',But ten minutes was all it took, we hardly went out of our way.And then ...

Christmas Cats - 04/Jan/2010 09:10 - 5318 days ago
In December 2009 I sat on Santa's knee,And I asked for a leopard as well as two lions in a tree.I assured him that I'd been a ve...

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