Title: Fantastic Voyage (Nigeria)

Status: Active

URL: http://simonthomson.blogspot.com/

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Surprised by rage - 16/Feb/2012 09:33 - 4675 days ago
It’s a very strange thing, to sit in a meeting about something I did in the recent past.  And a lot of that strangeness r...

Drinking behind the veil - 04/Jul/2011 15:51 - 4902 days ago
I’m sitting in a bar in Kafanchan called Lady G’s.It’s named after the owner: a young, dynamic, determined and beautiful I...

Is this fun? - 04/Jul/2011 12:50 - 4902 days ago
I wonder how much I enjoy doing this.I don’t mean being in Nigeria.I love that: always have, maybe always will.It’s a joyous...

All the pretty things - 01/Jul/2011 06:08 - 4905 days ago
I've occasionally attempted to add pictures to this blog. This largely fails spectacularly, because I can't format them properl...

A Nigerian Pharisee? - 27/Jun/2011 18:53 - 4909 days ago
I’m sure all can agree, whatever our internal faiths and external politics, that Jesus(as constructed in the gospel texts) was...

Felix felicis - 21/Jun/2011 16:35 - 4915 days ago
You know that feeling, when anything’s possible?Like when Harry knocks back thefelix felicispotion in the Half Blood Prince?Or...

Cor-tiddely-at - 15/Jun/2011 14:17 - 4921 days ago
One of my most vivid childhood memories is of sitting in a theatre during a play that was probably a vaguely musical version of ...

Darkling - 15/Jun/2011 14:16 - 4921 days ago
Probably my favourite moment in Milton comes at the opening to Book 3 of Paradise Lost, where the poet witters on about his blin...

The End of the Ants and the Start of Something New - 15/Jun/2011 14:13 - 4921 days ago
It’s not as if there were no portents.He was able to dismiss the so-called Noise: an old wives tale that sprung up a couple of...

sose iska sanyi - 21/Jan/2011 08:53 - 5066 days ago
My new role description out here means, excitingly, lots of travelling to schools and local governments to discuss the school su...

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