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A two year penis operation -just dont ask! - 08/Mar/2011 09:57 - 5020 days ago
It was a hot Sunday morning, my skin glistened with sweat and the breeze only whispered. The fire and brimstone sermon/rant fro...
Chiefly lives - 23/Feb/2011 10:22 - 5033 days ago
This is the angry blog. The one that says how I don’t understand how we can ignore a stat that tells us 3 out of 5 girls in Su...
Dirty Soap - 12/Jan/2011 10:31 - 5075 days ago
Voiis a large enough town roughly 4 hours from Nairobi and 2 and half hours from Mombasa.Nestled smack bang in the middleTsavoEa...
Géillim milséan - 15/Dec/2010 16:04 - 5103 days ago
Eric works in the local gym in Kilifi. He’s a 5ft 8, lumbering giant with arms the size of small children. By small children I...
Times like these - 08/Nov/2010 13:40 - 5140 days ago
He had eyes like two dark caves each with a small boy standing alone in its empty depth; cheekbones and temples like worn, weath...
Here... - 03/Nov/2010 18:53 - 5145 days ago
Herethereare nocarsorroads,justdonkeysandpaths.Nomondaymornings,justsundayafternoons.Nothingyeteverything.HereisLamu, aremoteisl...
Flying without wings - 12/Oct/2010 08:25 - 5167 days ago
The road toChonyiis battered and bruised, beaten down by neglect and poor servicing– it will take huge public money and time t...
Child Sponsorship - 24/Sep/2010 11:22 - 5185 days ago
There are 3.5 million children whose education is being sponsored by individual donor(s) via Child Sponsorship bodies such as Pl...
Marshmellow kids - 12/Jul/2010 14:42 - 5259 days ago
Babies in Africa taste of marshmellows. I have no concrete evidence to back this up but I am almost certain they do.My clothes c...
What happens at Work... - 28/Jun/2010 13:24 - 5273 days ago
Strengthening Community Partnership and Empowerment (SCOPE– my placement organisation inKilifi) manage and distribute the Worl...
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