Title: Catherine Howard (Rwanda)

Status: Active

URL: http://cejhoward.blogspot.com/

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I have a house! - 08/Sep/2010 15:36 - 5201 days ago
This may not seem much to some but to me!  I have somewhere to live and the basic furniture - bed table chairs, easy chair ...

This is where I am going! - 01/Sep/2010 23:20 - 5208 days ago

Its back to school day and I didn't! - 01/Sep/2010 22:44 - 5208 days ago
Still learning with this blog business so apologies for having entered the July thing twice - I think!  Everyone has gone b...

Monday 12th July, 2010 - 12/Jul/2010 15:09 - 5259 days ago
Two weeks to go at work and just a few days to my leaving 'do'. Frantic clearing out of 35 years of teaching materials and pape...

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