Title: Alienor in the Land of Blue Skies (Mongolia)

Status: Active

URL: http://alienor-salmon.blogspot.com/

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Settling in... - 22/Oct/2010 07:57 - 5166 days ago
So I have been in UB just over 2 months and settling in quite nicely. It is getting cold now, and this weekend will see a high o...

Finishing up In-Country Training - 29/Sep/2010 03:53 - 5189 days ago
Sadly it has been five weeks since I last posted on here due to the fact that my computer decided to crash... Thankfully I have ...

First Impressions... - 31/Aug/2010 08:41 - 5218 days ago
So far, Ulaanbaatar and more generally Mongolia, is without a doubt the strangest and most wonderfully weird country I have ever...

Journey from London to Ulaanbaatar! - 31/Aug/2010 07:24 - 5218 days ago
After days of packing, moving out, unpacking and repacking, I finally had to decide on what to bring with me to Mongolia for a y...

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