Title: Ipaja Community Link (Nigeria)

Status: Active

URL: http://www.ipajacommunitylink.blogspot.com/

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Celebrating World Elders' Day - 19/Oct/2009 14:24 - 5526 days ago
On Thursday, 8 October, Agency for the Aged hosted an event in Ikeja, Lagos, to celebrate World Elders' Day. There were over 500...

Community rallies together for Ipaja health awareness day... - 30/Sep/2009 17:26 - 5545 days ago
On Tuesday 29th September, Ipaja Community Link (ICL), in conjunction with Agency for the Aged, Melvin Jones Primary Health Scre...

So, what's been happening with Ipaja Community Link over the last couple of months?! - 05/Sep/2009 15:50 - 5570 days ago
This summer has been a busy time for staff and volunteers at Ipaja Community Link (ICL) with asummer camp for orphans and vulner...

Africa Representative of HelpAge International from Nairobi, Kenya, visits Agency for the Aged in Ipaja, Lagos... - 30/Jun/2009 08:47 - 5637 days ago
On Monday 15th June, Nesta Hatendi, the Africa Representative of HelpAge International, visited Agency for the Aged to see the w...

And then we increased Ipaja Community Link's income by almost 10%... - 25/Jun/2009 20:26 - 5642 days ago
Recently, Ipaja Community Link (ICL) acquired an extra N250,000 (£1,000) funding after a fundraising drive on Red Nose Day in M...

Happy Children's Day in Ipaja! - 06/Jun/2009 17:08 - 5661 days ago
Last Wednesday, 27 May 2009, Ipaja Community Link (ICL), celebrated National Children's Day in Nigeria by throwing a party for o...

What are you doing or what can you do? Development Impact for Nigeria, Diaspora Workshop, 14 May 2009, London - 17/May/2009 17:25 - 5681 days ago
On Thursday 14 May, over 25people interested in development awareness issues in Nigeria, mostly Nigerian Diaspora, gathered to h...

Youth volunteers and staff help to renovate ICL's new Youth and Community Resource Centre... - 12/May/2009 11:42 - 5686 days ago
In April, ICL acquired a new office in Akinyele, Ipaja, in addition to the current office in Baruwa, Ipaja. Our main funders, Ch...

Ipaja Community Link and NYSC - an exciting new partnership! - 12/May/2009 10:58 - 5686 days ago
Back in March, Yomi, Coordinator of Ipaja Community Link (ICL), Tonye, one of our dedicated youth volunteers, and Timothy and Je...

Ipaja Community Link facilitates basic health education training for teachers and volunteers in Ipaja - 04/Apr/2009 15:06 - 5724 days ago
This week, on 1 - 2 April, Ipaja Community Link facilitated a two-day workshop for public primary and secondary school teachers ...

What is at the heart of volunteerism in Nigeria? VSO National Volunteering training, Abuja, March 2009 - 21/Mar/2009 17:46 - 5738 days ago
According to the latest national volunteering posters which Yomi and I received when we attended a VSO training course in Abuja ...

A busy Friday and Saturday in Ipaja! - 18/Mar/2009 10:37 - 5741 days ago
Friday 13 March was Red Nose Day in the UK - a day when people come together to raise funds for projects in Africa. As a volunte...

Online newsletter, March 2009 - 11/Mar/2009 15:52 - 5748 days ago
Reflections of a returnee: Yomi Oloko, CoodinatorLast year February, I took the decision to relocate to Nigeria from the UK with...

Congratulations: Successful Completion of the First Skills Acquisition Programme! - 04/Mar/2009 11:28 - 5755 days ago
On Friday 27 February 2009, 24 women graduated from the first skills acquisition programme run by Ipaja Community Link. The day ...

Volunteering with the local mother and baby clinic: Ipaja Community Health Foundation - 04/Mar/2009 10:39 - 5755 days ago
Ipaja Community Health Foundation was started in 1995 by Mrs Oshodi and Mrs Awolola, two retired nurses from Lagos State Teachin...

Feature: Jessica Odili, Bead-Making - 25/Feb/2009 12:54 - 5762 days ago
Jessica Odili, aged 20, is currently a part-time student at catering school in Lagos. However, whilst studying this course, she ...

Volunteering to help the elderly: Agency for the Aged - 25/Feb/2009 12:14 - 5762 days ago
Agency for the Aged is a small NGO based on Abesan estate, near Baruwa, which has the unique vision of caring for the aged in th...

Advocacy, fundraising and volunteering: Baruwa Community Primary School - 25/Feb/2009 10:50 - 5762 days ago
Baruwa Community Primary School, one of the only government-owned public primary schools in the area and not that far from the o...

Feature: Mrs Beautrice Olufolajimi, Sewing - 22/Feb/2009 11:48 - 5765 days ago
Mrs Beautrice Olufolajimi, aged 58, is a housewife living in Ipaja. Beautrice started attending the daily sewing classes at Ipaj...

Ipaja Community Link: what are we all about? - 21/Feb/2009 11:53 - 5766 days ago
Ipaja Community Link (ICL) is the main partner of Development Impact for Nigeria (DIFN). DIFN is a registered UK-based developme...

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