Title: Kathryn Drake (
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Moments, magic and tragic - 14/Oct/2010 21:31 - 5166 days ago
Today was a day that filled my senses. It was full of brief moments, experiences and emotions that were all the more striking fo...
Something for everybody - 02/Oct/2010 18:18 - 5178 days ago
After just 4 full days of work with Ghana Federation of the Disabled (GFD), I was out of the office last week attending VSO’s ...
Getting to know GFD - 26/Sep/2010 12:07 - 5184 days ago
It was surprisingly reassuring to find that a first week volunteering in Ghana feels just like the first week in a job back home...
And off we go... - 21/Sep/2010 22:31 - 5189 days ago
Friday was the last day of our week of induction training before VSO let us loose in Ghana! We went to the Programme Offic...
Learning to Twi-tter - 20/Sep/2010 22:30 - 5190 days ago
My first week in Accra was spent in in-country training with all of the other volunteers and lots of programme office staff.&nbs...
Arrived in Accra - 13/Sep/2010 18:16 - 5197 days ago
I'm here! Along with 24 other VSO volunteers who are about to start their placements in Ghana. I knew there were a fair nu...
From Edgbaston to Accra - 09/Sep/2010 16:34 - 5201 days ago
Wednesday 8th SeptemberOnce my placement was confirmed with VSO I got back in touch with my old school, King Edward VI High Scho...
The small print - 19/Aug/2010 20:32 - 5222 days ago
There's a lot of print, large and small to be read on my way along this volunteer journey. This is a small bit that I have just ...
Tick on the list - 01/Aug/2010 20:38 - 5240 days ago
Just thought i'd squeeze in another of my things to do before the weekend comes to an end. I'm all about getting ticks...
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