Title: Paul O'Connor (
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A final post - 19/Apr/2012 10:53 - 4613 days ago
Yesterday I left Cambodia. I feel very sad about leaving as my time there and the people I spent it with are very special, but I...
Getting ready to leave - 26/Mar/2012 09:59 - 4637 days ago
I’m not often described as a decisive person, but I think I might be getting worse. I used to be plagued by fairly minor dilem...
A quick entry - 08/Feb/2012 10:01 - 4684 days ago
It’s been quite an eventful few days. Firstly Tak’s house-building suffered a bit of a setback when the previous landowner t...
January - 06/Feb/2012 09:34 - 4686 days ago
January is usually the worst month of the year, particularly if you spend it in a secondary school classroom, but this one in Ca...
Christmas and New Year - 03/Jan/2012 10:32 - 4720 days ago
Happy New Year. I spent the night eating soggy fish and chips for one at Heathrow Airport, followed by twenty hours on planes wh...
Hospitals and more weddings - 13/Dec/2011 03:50 - 4741 days ago
A few weeks ago, Tak’s dad fell unconscious while in our house and was taken straight to hospital. I’m not sure what he was ...
Learning Khmer - 26/Nov/2011 07:02 - 4758 days ago
I've been meaning to write something about the Khmer language for a while now, and I was reminded of this this morning when Tak'...
Comings and goings - 05/Nov/2011 03:13 - 4779 days ago
Towards the end of September our ICT group said goodbye to its third volunteer. After Danny had left in March and Ingran in Augu...
Travelling in the northwest - 04/Oct/2011 05:51 - 4811 days ago
Last week was Pchum Ben, one of the longer Cambodian public holidays and a religious festival which I still don’t really under...
School enrolment campaigns - 23/Sep/2011 03:52 - 4822 days ago
Apologies for not having written anything for such a long time. Things have actually been quite busy at work, even though it’s...
Changes - 18/Aug/2011 05:07 - 4858 days ago
VSO is currently finalising its new strategic plan for Cambodia and it’s likely that they will start working on good governanc...
Food - 08/Jul/2011 12:02 - 4899 days ago
We have been out of Mars bars for about two weeks now, and it’s beginning to show, with the ever-tactful Tak’s mum telling m...
June - 30/Jun/2011 10:55 - 4907 days ago
This week I had my first ever dream about teaching that wasn’t a nightmare, so I think that means I might be missing it. Nonet...
Family holiday - 01/Jun/2011 07:10 - 4936 days ago
Firstly, to Pu Trom Chah, the school that was building the library. Last week we took the books to the completed library and it ...
A visit from Jim and Sarah - 10/May/2011 04:51 - 4958 days ago
The big news this week is that Mars bars have arrived, with which we are well pleased. They came accompanied by Jim and Sarah wh...
Holiday season - 27/Apr/2011 13:05 - 4971 days ago
Early April was party season in Cambodia in the run-up to Khmer New Year, which was on the 14-16th April. It was ...
Coming soon on DVD... - 08/Apr/2011 05:24 - 4990 days ago
Since my last blog entry, I’ve become something of a TV star. The DVD of Tak and Eng’s wedding has been released and, having...
February and March - 20/Mar/2011 02:51 - 5009 days ago
It’s been a busy few weeks since my last entry. I’ve entered my 27th year, attended two funerals, had lots of VSO meetings, ...
The wedding - 25/Feb/2011 08:53 - 5032 days ago
Reader, he married her. That’s the gist of what happened last week. However, Cambodian weddings are extravagant and colou...
Family times - 07/Feb/2011 10:47 - 5050 days ago
Last weekend we took Tak’s mum home toPhnom Penh, after an interesting month living all together. She is a bit like a radio ...
Bousra waterfall - 23/Jan/2011 06:59 - 5065 days ago
Mondulkiri’s biggest tourist attraction is Bousra waterfall, a massive double-drop waterfall which is so famous it’s inspire...
The last few weeks - 17/Jan/2011 12:41 - 5071 days ago
This week I have beaten Tak three times in a row at pool, crossed a river on a motorbike and rewired a plug (without any help fr...
A weekend in Kratie - 10/Jan/2011 04:58 - 5078 days ago
Friday was Cambodian Liberation Day, celebrating the Vietnamese-backed invasion which began on7thJanuary 1979, and which within ...
Sraee school and New Year - 05/Jan/2011 14:38 - 5083 days ago
Happy New Year to everyone. It’s been a very busy week since Christmas. Last Tuesday Jeltje, Tak and I went to visit Sraee, a ...
Christmas - 27/Dec/2010 09:50 - 5092 days ago
Gilly and Sam were hosting Christmas in their house in Kratie, a town on theMekongriver about four hours from Sen Monorom. On Fr...
Work! - 17/Dec/2010 04:14 - 5102 days ago
I think it’s time I write something about my work here. My job title is Community Assistant and I support the work of the Prov...
Phnom Penh tragedy - 24/Nov/2010 15:50 - 5125 days ago
I don’t really know how to approach writing about what happened inPhnom Penhat the weekend. The thought of suffocating people ...
Waterfalls, water and falls - 19/Nov/2010 10:36 - 5130 days ago
I’ve been meaning to take some photos of the countryside in Mondulkiri because it’s very beautiful and quite different from ...
First two weeks in Mondulkiri - 07/Nov/2010 08:45 - 5142 days ago
I’ve now been in Sen Monorom for two weeks. They have been very good and I feel quite settled already. Following the tradition...
Homestay and moving to Mondulkiri - 25/Oct/2010 12:40 - 5155 days ago
Saturday 16thOctober was our final day of language training, and on Sunday we went on a home-stay to a nearby village to practis...
Of monks and monkeys - 14/Oct/2010 14:04 - 5166 days ago
About seven kilometres from Kampong Cham there are two mountains called Phnom Proh and Phnom Srey, meaningMountManandMountWoman....
Pchum Ben - 10/Oct/2010 07:43 - 5170 days ago
There’s quite a bit to catch up on as the last few days have been quite busy. Friday was the final day of Pchum Ben, one of th...
Placement visit week - 29/Sep/2010 04:43 - 5181 days ago
We’re now on placement visit week so I am in a guesthouse in Sen Monorom, the town where I will be living. Daniel (the other v...
Cycling in Kampong Cham province - 20/Sep/2010 15:18 - 5190 days ago
Er, I didn’t mean my first entry to the blogosphere to be quite so harrowing, so I thought I’d follow it up by an account of...
First impressions - 18/Sep/2010 07:46 - 5192 days ago
It’s siesta time, Saturday lunchtime on 18thSeptember. We are in a small town on theMekongRivercalled Kampong Cham, about thre...
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