Title: Shona in Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)

Status: Active

URL: http://www.shonajohnston.blogspot.com/

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Epiblog - 11/Jan/2012 22:33 - 4624 days ago
I’ve struggled to know how to finish my blog. I guess I don’t like to think of it as being “finished”, because even thou...

Highlights of the Year - 07/Aug/2011 08:26 - 4781 days ago
Some of my favourite memories from my time in Sierra Leone….1) Decompressing a tension pneumothorax.2) Seeing that little boy ...

How I Survived - 07/Aug/2011 08:18 - 4781 days ago
1) With the support of my wonderful husband.2) With internet access and mobile phone to be able to contact him.3) Regular emails...

What Have I Achieved? - 06/Aug/2011 14:08 - 4782 days ago
That’s it. I don don. I finished my placement at Ola During Children’s Hospital yesterday. When I was interviewed for the BB...

Things that have changed about me this year - 04/Aug/2011 21:28 - 4784 days ago
1) I am more tanned than I have ever been in my life.2) I have learned to be incredibly patient, but also how to be angry.3) I h...

Blood Donation Mark Three - 04/Aug/2011 07:19 - 4784 days ago
It’s been nearly four months since Sandra and I last went to give blood on Easter Friday. I really wanted to give blood again ...

A Grand Day Out - 31/Jul/2011 14:01 - 4788 days ago
With a limited amount of time left in Sierra Leone, Cat and I have written“The List” of all the things we want to do before ...

Back in ICU - 30/Jul/2011 14:45 - 4789 days ago
I’ve moved back to ICU for my last two weeks here in Freetown. ICU has moved since I was there before. It is in a new, smaller...

I’m leaving…. - 24/Jul/2011 18:21 - 4795 days ago
I think it has just dawned on me that I’m leaving Sierra Leone in two weeks time. I’ve known my leaving date for a while but...

Sounds, phrases and conversations that will forever remind me of Sierra Leone - 23/Jul/2011 09:02 - 4796 days ago
(Apologies to any Saloneans for the spelling of Krio words and phrases)1)“Ow di bodi?” “Di bodi fine, ow yusef?” “I te...

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