Title: Tara's Ethiopian Adventure (Ethiopia)

Status: Active

URL: http://tarasethiopianadventure.blogspot.com/

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readjusting... - 05/Jan/2011 22:44 - 5082 days ago
It didn't take anytime readjusting to life in the UK when I came back for a holiday in the summer but this time it feels very di...

The Story of the Lost and Found Sheep - 27/Dec/2010 20:50 - 5091 days ago
No celebration in Ethiopia would be complete without a slaughtered sheep or goat! It went without saying then that we would have...

Great Ethiopian Hobble... - 23/Nov/2010 11:35 - 5125 days ago
Two days later and I am still recovering. I feel nauseous, dizzy, my head hurts and my legs only seem capable of an awkward hobb...

A Dog Bite Adventure... - 09/Nov/2010 13:45 - 5139 days ago
I had grand plans if getting loads done at work on Thursday but they were dashed when I was attacked by my landlord's dog. Not c...

Full Circle... - 24/Oct/2010 13:52 - 5155 days ago
A year since I first arrived and I have been finding it amazing reflecting on all that has changed since then. It seems like yes...

Fw: Feeling at home... - 15/Oct/2010 15:05 - 5164 days ago
I've been feeling pretty bad recently about the fact that I haven't been making such regular updates to my blog. It definitely i...

Jambo Ambo - 15/Oct/2010 15:04 - 5164 days ago
We had a very silly experience the other lunch time at a local bar/cafe. All we wanted was 2 Ambo (local mineral water) and a ta...

A Meaty Adventure - 05/Oct/2010 07:21 - 5174 days ago
Normally I am frustrated by the fact that I can only get meat in the local cafes and not vegetables but yesterday it was just th...

Christmas came early... - 01/Sep/2010 12:48 - 5208 days ago
Whenever I go to Nancy's house it always reminds me of Christmas. ( I think this is probably because we celebrated such a fantas...

Wading through rivers to buy candles... - 25/Aug/2010 06:16 - 5215 days ago
Last night I got into the house just in time (or so I thought). No sooner had a shut the door but the heavens opened and the mos...

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