Title: Akke Hettema (Nepal)

Status: Active

URL: http://www.akkeantje.blogspot.com

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Winter in Bhairawa - 11/Dec/2011 01:35 - 4742 days ago
Happy goats wearing skirts, sweaters, footballshirts...to keep them warm on these cold winterdays. Children barefeet, without so...

lekker Dutch! - 06/Dec/2011 01:21 - 4747 days ago
Thanks Kari, Jimy, Monique&Rem. What a lovely party with ekdam mito red wine and lots of dancing afterwards. Or was it the other...

berichtjes/letters/questions? - 30/Nov/2011 14:41 - 4753 days ago
District Education Office RupandehiAkke Antje HettemaLumbiniroadBhairawaNepalIf you want to send something for me or the childre...

Cutting, drawing en scheuren - 25/Nov/2011 15:03 - 4758 days ago
It's so silent in the class when everybody is cutting and drawing. With full concentration they make their artworks. It's the fi...

good example- voorbeeldfunctie - 06/Nov/2011 01:41 - 4777 days ago
The 'new' waste bin needs some introduction. But the children learn fast...Hier oefenen we het gebruik van de prullenbak. Als je...

Chalkboards en schrijfpatronen - 25/Oct/2011 13:12 - 4789 days ago
Often children were just sitting and waiting because they had no pencil or copy. Now they are allowed to write on the blackboard...

Mouni finds a book- Als Mouni wil plassen... - 24/Oct/2011 12:57 - 4790 days ago
When Mouni finds a picturebook lying around in the classroom it turns out she is an enthousiastic reader. She forgets the world ...

No chair please! - Zitten niet toegestaan? - 24/Oct/2011 06:05 - 4790 days ago
Storytime, sitting on a chair. It's a discussion point between me and principals. They think teachers should stand and walk arou...

Fun during circletime- Volop genieten - 23/Oct/2011 02:19 - 4791 days ago
A goodmorning 'Namaste' song, the days of the week, counting the number of children...it's all part of the daily circletime whic...

At the doorstep- Wat te doen met slippers? - 22/Oct/2011 02:06 - 4792 days ago
With the new carpet in the classroom the children don't wear their shoes inside anymore. We are teaching them where and how to p...

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