Title: Christine Adolf (Nigeria)

Status: Active

URL: http://mindfulnomad.com/

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Exploring Identity - 26/Mar/2014 06:40 - 3776 days ago
In Western culture, one of the first questions we ask people we’ve only just met is “what do you do?” In Tanzania (and als...

Work Recap - 04/Mar/2014 16:25 - 3798 days ago
“Work is love made visible.” -Khalil Gibran Since my last work-related update, which was admittedly too long ago, I...

On the back of a daladala in Unguja (Zanzibar) - 04/Jan/2014 06:46 - 3857 days ago
I belong on the back of a bus. I mean I feel a sense of belonging and familial comfort sitting on the benches, tightly nudged be...

Beta Gamma Sigma International Exchange Magazine–Fall 2013 Issue - 17/Dec/2013 07:49 - 3875 days ago
I’m honored to have been included in the latest issue of Beta Gamma Sigma’s International Exchange Magazine in an ar...

Mama Hamida–Female Farmer Extraordinaire - 31/Oct/2013 12:55 - 3922 days ago
This post is my account of the ‘Empathy: Everyday Barriers’ component of the current +Acumen Leadership Essentials course in...

Happily busy - 31/Oct/2013 10:26 - 3922 days ago
Work has been keeping me happily busy so I thought I’d share more of what I’ve been up to in my role with UWAMWIMA since las...

Darajani market - 25/Sep/2013 08:42 - 3958 days ago
I spend a lot of time in and around the market at Darajani. I take daladala 505 Ndege to and from work on a daily basis from the...

Farmers’Study Tour - 21/Aug/2013 08:37 - 3993 days ago
Commercial Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers (CASH) Project Implementing Partners: VSO Tanzania – Project Manager UWAMWIMA ...

Smallholder Agriculture - 13/Aug/2013 17:47 - 4001 days ago
I’ve recently arrived in Zanzibar to begin a new CUSO International & VSO Tanzania volunteer placement as an Agribusiness ...

6 degrees south of the Equator - 07/Aug/2013 03:44 - 4007 days ago

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