Title: Ed Haworth (Ethiopia)

Status: Active

URL: http://idiotwindblowing.blogspot.com/

All Posts Cached via RSS

doubleplusungood - 01/Jan/2012 21:04 - 4722 days ago
I've had to move my blog over to wordpress, at least for the time being:http://idiotwindblowin.wordpress.com/Given my links with...

The machine that goes ping - 03/Nov/2011 20:28 - 4781 days ago
It's been a while since I posted anything but a lot has been happening.Last week I went to Addis to help my friend Tom (an anaes...

The Ethiopian Riviera - 11/Oct/2011 15:11 - 4804 days ago
Time moves on and I've been in Bahar Dar now for over 2 weeks and for better or worse am starting to get into a routine. I've be...

The noises in the roof - 24/Sep/2011 19:18 - 4821 days ago
My worst fears confirmed this morning regarding the noises I had been hearing in the roof at night.In the bathroom my bar of soa...

Bahar Dar - 22/Sep/2011 18:55 - 4823 days ago
Today I said goodbye to the red cross centre that has been my home for the last 11 days. It's been useful and fun, I've met a lo...

Tena yisTilign - 19/Sep/2011 15:55 - 4826 days ago
Time for a first blog update. I'm not labouring under the misapprehension that I have anything interesting to say or that I can ...

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