Title: Jackie Ballard (Malawi)

Status: Active

URL: http://volunteerjackie.wordpress.com/

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Back in the UK–still volunteering - 09/Feb/2012 11:07 - 4682 days ago
I have been back in the UK for 3 weeks now. My daughter is in hospital,  getting the treatment she needs, and so I have time be...

Back in the UK–still volunteering - 09/Feb/2012 11:07 - 4682 days ago
I have been back in the UK for 3 weeks now. My daughter is in hospital,  getting the treatment she needs, and so I have time be...

The ties that bind us–part two - 24/Jan/2012 12:54 - 4698 days ago
Sorry to have left the last blog hanging in mid air, but I wanted to separate out the start of my work with CONGOMA from what tu...

The ties that bind us–part two - 24/Jan/2012 12:54 - 4698 days ago
Sorry to have left the last blog hanging in mid air, but I wanted to separate out the start of my work with CONGOMA from what tu...

Photos from Malawi - 24/Jan/2012 12:23 - 4698 days ago
    A typical village in central Malawi – it’s the rainy season so the ground is very green, it would have...

Photos from Malawi - 24/Jan/2012 12:23 - 4698 days ago
    A typical village in central Malawi – it’s the rainy season so the ground is very green, it would have...

The ties that bind us–part one - 24/Jan/2012 08:11 - 4698 days ago
Last Tuesday my placement as a volunteer really got started. I was driven from Lilongwe to Blantyre in the South of Malawi, wher...

The ties that bind us–part one - 24/Jan/2012 08:11 - 4698 days ago
Last Tuesday my placement as a volunteer really got started. I was driven from Lilongwe to Blantyre in the South of Malawi, wher...

Mossies and Malaria - 17/Jan/2012 13:57 - 4705 days ago
I have just returned from a very enjoyable weekend by Lake Malawi, with 2 other VSO volunteers – Rosemary and Liz.  At on...

Mossies and Malaria - 17/Jan/2012 13:57 - 4705 days ago
I have just returned from a very enjoyable weekend by Lake Malawi, with 2 other VSO volunteers – Rosemary and Liz.  At on...

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