Title: Pauline Quinn (Rwanda)

Status: Active

URL: http://paulinerwanda.blogspot.com/

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End of placement - 28/Mar/2012 09:34 - 4504 days ago
Hi all,It's coming to the end of my placement. It's quite sad to think about leaving. I've had an absolutely amazing time here. ...

Photos - 02/Mar/2012 08:57 - 4530 days ago
Me holding the guard's baby - Hirwa Angelo. Hirwa means lucky.Brigid's weddingOn a visit to my friend Hilarie. Looking thro...

Quick update from Ngororero - 01/Mar/2012 14:43 - 4531 days ago
Hi all!I hope all is well in Ireland. Things are good here. Time is flying by. I have only one month of work left. I’m tr...

Happy New Year - 23/Jan/2012 18:20 - 4569 days ago
Hi all,Happy New Year! I’m sorry for the delay in updating my blog but it’s been a very busy couple of weeks. I’ve been tr...

More photos - 09/Sep/2011 10:14 - 4705 days ago
Lions at Tsavo East National Park, KenyaA well deserved break at the top of Mount Kabuye. (Thanks for the shirt, Mam!)View from ...

My summer in Rwanda - 09/Sep/2011 09:13 - 4705 days ago
The rainy season has started here again. It reminds me of home although since it is back to school time, I imagine it’s q...

Hi - 07/Sep/2011 15:07 - 4707 days ago
Hi all,Sorry for the delay.  The internet has been really bad in Ngororero.  I am in Kigali at the moment because all ...

Photos of Map in GS Ngurugunzu - 29/Jul/2011 08:59 - 4747 days ago
Finished map!Alex (principal of GS Ngurugunzu) paints the Rwandan FlagPauline and Michelle working hardDrawing RwandaThe farewel...

The mural so far - 18/Jul/2011 17:04 - 4758 days ago
Hi all,Greetings to all from Michelle and I! Michelle arrived two weeks with 2 amazing suitcases filled with goodies that we've ...

St.Patrick's day and other celebrations - 11/May/2011 10:23 - 4826 days ago
Hi all,It’s been a long time. I don’t know where the time is going here. It’s been a very busy couple of months! I ap...

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