From mud to a classroom
on Mischa in Cameroon (Cameroon), 29/Apr/2011 16:36, 34 days ago
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This is the new classroom at the school at Malka (there are currently two permanent classrooms without roofs and two classrooms made of woven grass). The children made the bricks, the parents collected money to pay for it, and it will be covered with the broken pieces of the old roof that blew off the other classrooms last year. The mothers' association, who have so far been sluggish in getting started, have volunteered to do the crépissage-I don't know the English word for this, but it's when the walls are covered in mud to reinforce them, particularly during the rainy season. There are enough bricks and roof materials for a second classroom, and the headmaster is desperate to collect enough money from the parents to complete it before the rains start and the bricks are destroyed.