Awassa Children's Circus
on Paul Stanley (Ethiopia), 07/Jun/2011 15:04, 34 days ago
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Awassa Children’s Circus Whilst I’ve lived in Awassa, I’ve met some amazing people doing amazing work to help their communities, but one of the most inspiring is Mashresha. He runs a circus for poor street kids and orphans. They teach the kids circus skills- the tumbling and juggling they do is just amazing,  and they then put on performances to raise money for equipment and facilities. They also have a decent small recording studio and are producing some really good music. Food is also supplied to the kids that need it. They are some of the best behaved children I have come across in Ethiopia, and their enthusiasm is infectious. We are trying to raise a little money to buy some new tumbling mats for them before we leave- the mats they are currently are actually just mattresses, and in a pretty sorry state. If you interested in donating something, drop me an email and we’ll work something out.  We have already raised enough money to buy half the mats required- it would be so good if we could raise enough to get them all. A big thank-you to everyone who has already donated. I hope that the mats will be made before I leave so I can get some photos of the kids in action! Many thanks, Paul Paul Stanley.IT Trainer/Specialist.VSO Volunteer, Awassa College of Teacher Education. Landline:  +251462206359Mobile:  +251920135542Skype:  tootallpaul67 PO Box 1375,Awassa,Ethiopia. Pictures: