My house in Ouaga
on Wonderous Wanderland (Burkina Faso), 28/Jun/2011 13:47, 34 days ago
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Inevitably people are curious to know what life is really like here for us volunteers. I get a lot of questions on how I live, eat, travel, work, etc. So I decided this time to write something about my house. So how do we live?We all live seperately in relatively nice, big houses. There are some differences between volunteers of course, depending on the area and the availability - trust me, I know as this is now house/area n°4 I've moved into (4 yes (!), for many different reasons among which having shooting military on my doorstep and having to change jobs in between) - but generally speaking, we all have more than enough space, and all the basic equipement: furniture (sort of), water filter, little gas stove, mosquito net,... VSO pays the rent for these places - which is fortunate as most of them go well beyond half of our monthly salary - as well as any repairs that need to be made on the house. We are responsible for our water and electricity bills, and the expenses for afille de menage or a nightwatch (if we'd want to hire them). Now describing what the house looks like is one thing: bedrooms, bathroom,... - I'd already done that in my previous post about the rain anyway.Sharingthe real image with you is something completely different. So therefore I decided to make another video - which seemed a lot more fun for you to watch (and for me to make :)). Again I apologize for the poor quality: I am not a director, never was, never will be. But I do hope you enjoy it (and if not you just turn it off, no harm done :)!!)Link to video*(*Due to copyright issues YouTube has removed the music...*%£€$%... Grrrr, and uploading with slow internet connection took me hours - so far for the fun to make a video :-)))!However I used a file-sharing program where you can download the complete video - with music! - up until 5th of July**. To access click HERE)** Upon request I can upload it again after that date!!