DRF Basic Mediation Course
on George Hamilton (Jamaica), 10/Oct/2011 12:17, 34 days ago
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Please use the official source if any of the following information does not agree with Dispute Resolution Foundation (DRF) web site. You may apply on-line for the training and find the information in the services tab of http://www.disputeresolutionfoundation.com/Here are notes on the DRF's Basic Mediation course in September/October 2011.For trainee mediators, the mediations initially are at the resident magistrate level before one can apply to be on the Supreme Court roster. This is how the course complements the other practical components necessary to become a certified mediator, and later a Supreme Court mediator.1. Take this course2. Observe 5 mediations, preferably conducted by different mediators.3. Do 3 mentored mediations and receive feedback.4. Eligible to receive Certified mediator certificate assuming satisfactory progress.5. Do 10 mediations on your own.6. Do the 4 day advanced mediation training course7. Eligible to apply to be on the Supreme Court roster.The following photos give you a partial picture of what the 40 hour course entails. These photos in this blog were taken by Kriss Crassweller.Terry, the DRF training manager along with the participation of other Supreme Court mediators conducted the training.Megan and Sheryl participated with a role play.Rhonda reciting her poem on dispute resolution.Monique Edwards, the course valedictorian, delivering her speech.Ellory Taylor receiving her diploma from Lorna Vassell-Walker one of the Supreme Court mediators.George getting his one.This photo shows most of the participants at the closing ceremonies. Participants included one or more law students, criminologists, quantity surveyors, trainers, industrial relations specialists, post-grad social work studies, etc.Fay Williams reading the Vote of Thanks.Part of Ellory's rough notes written on a napkin - inventive and economical.At the final student's party on the last afternoon, we had a dispute resolution type cake. It contained both vanilla and chocolate to prevent disputes. Sorry - there is no photo because it did not last long.Because I am an amateur poet, here is a quick mediation poem in case nobody else publishes it.PRE-MEDIATIONHim bad.I'm mad.That ladWill be sad.MEDIATIONMediate.Don't him hate.Communicate.Negotiate.POST-MEDIATIONReach a deal.How good it feel.Bad opinion heal.Resolve with zeal.