I hope you've had the time of your life
on Rose Hardman (Rwanda), 21/Nov/2011 15:33, 34 days ago
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My time in Rwanda has come to an end; at least for now. I have fallen in love with this beautiful country and I really do hope that I live here again in the future.The journey is not over however. I will now spend a couple of months in the UK before embarking on my next role in Khartoum, Sudan. I have decided it is wise, whilst in Sudan, to send emails rather than blog so if you want to be included on my email list then please let me know.If you are umming and ahhing about whether to take the plunge, whether it be VSO, moving abroad or just jumping out of your comfort zone, I would say go for it. This journey hasn't always been easy but life never is and I have never felt more alive.