"If you haven't been to Lagos, then you haven't been to Nigeria!"
on Lucy Kennedy (Nigeria), 29/Feb/2012 12:25, 34 days ago
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I have had this phrase said to me so many times that I have been desperate to visit the largest and most talked about city in Nigeria– Lagos.And finally. . . I am here in Lagos! I have arrived in‘Nigeria.’Now I know what everyone is talking about. The‘go slows,’ friendly people, delicious fish, females in the workplace - a huge contrast from the north. Just like at home in the UK, the majority of teachers and head teachers in Lagos are female.I even managed to get hair made in what they call Bob Marley style!Below shows the Lagos SSIT trying out some of the games and learning activities that we shared with them in the recent Maths workshop in Abuja.Maths Team RelayJigsaw Puzzle