Fire, Fire, pour on water, pour on water
on Rob Wootton (Zambia), 19/May/2012 14:52, 34 days ago
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But tragically there was little water. Back in Maz again, catching up with Stefan and Ayano, I wandered along on Saturday morning to get my haircut at my usual place, Uncle Sams, which aside from providing a fine haircut typically involves some good football and political banter with the customers. However, I found chaos and dejection as a few hours earlier a fire had destroyed 11 shops in a complex which housed Sam’s little place and also a salon, boutique, laundry and other shops selling stationery, computers, books and mobile phones. The fire started sometime around 0400hrs, possibly caused by an electrical fault in one of the shops and was further compounded when the fire engine twice ran out of water.As a result, and with no personal insurance, Sam and many of the other shopkeepers lost all of the tools of their trades.