Back in the Saddle
on Stephen and Mary in Rwanda (Rwanda), 18/Aug/2012 17:32, 34 days ago
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Rwanda by the roadsideThis is a strange experience for me because it has taken me 10 months to put pen to paper since we returned from Rwanda. It's been a hectic time with lots of people to see and visit as well as moving house. All of that has got in the way. But firmly established in Kent and at last organised, I finally feel the urge to put pen to paper. Well, fingers to keyboard. Fast broadband helps although it never deterred me in Rwanda with our trusty dongle.I'm going to start off where I left off with some posts in our remaining few days and especially with our final weeks before we had to return home in such a hurry. After all this time, Rwanda has not left our hearts and will forever remain there. In fact, we have just booked our flights to return soon (under our own steam this time) and hope to be there for a short while, saying a proper farewell which we didn't get the chance to do last October. We're then off to visit a few neighbouring countries which evaded us at the end. Flights are booked and the final post for this blog will be our adventures when we return.So, less of the chitchat and on to the real stuff starting with the promises made in the last post.