Twickenham Yacht Club party, Friends, food and sailing
on Tina in Rwanda (Rwanda), 14/Jul/2009 17:13, 34 days ago
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Please note that VSO is in no way connected with or responsible for the content, comments and observations in this blog: these are solely my own in a personal capacity.Hi guys,sorry, I have no photos but...let me has been just brilliant over the last few days. About 10 days ago Jim wrote something about an annual club party at our sailing club in the UK and..... I felt that I could not miss out on that. Therefore I went to Kigali last Monday to try to change my plane ticket and ...yes, it was possible. I am in this part of the world which is called.....Europe. So far I have seen loads of nice friends and my absolutely cute God Child 'Noah' whom I love to bits. It was great to see everybody at the sailing club and I went sailing on Saturday and Sunday. Poor Tom had to put up with me as a Crew and we had quite a big water fight on the water. Let me say....we came of the boat soaking wet.Today....I just feel like sailing but I have to wait until tomorrow. Shame, as there is such a nice wind. The club party on Saturday was just great and there were so many people I do like so very much and it was great to see them. Dinos played with his band and they were so cool. The food was amazing....and everybody did put so much afford into it. Thank you so very much!!!! It was worthwhile to come home early!!!! The steak was.....cannot put it into words....and the salads and fruit.....oh....after Rwanda.....wouw!!!! Yesterday I had a fun day with Tom and we did visit Kew Gardens....and what a relieve...I finally saw a banana tree. It is crazy, as everything is so different. People go for a walk....without a purpose...just for recreation. Nobody carries Jerry Cans. There is running water in the house and sorry if it is too much information....but Austin needed to remind me that we....actually do have a toilet flush.I have got a bed which is long enough to sleep in and there is a weird room in this house...called a kitchen. I ask myself what is that weird white cupboard in the kitchen. When I open the is cold inside that cupboard. That is good as you can buy items in this country that are called cheese and ham.But...if you are worried to use that cupboard, do not worry, as there are a lot of nice little places around the corner of the house. You can walk in and they do prepare sandwiches for you. Really....I should take one of those places to Kibungo.To be honest...I am in total culture shock and am in disbelieve about a lot of things. We are so spoiled. Children have more toys they can play with. Everything is so different. It is kind of crazy!!! Today for...I do not know what reason....we had no electricity for 5 hours and also no hot water.... That was so I felt like being back in Rwanda.I am looking forward to work again in Rwanda the moment....I just cannot get enough from being here and see everybody and sail and eat and drink.Take care guys,xxx Tina