Panshambe market
on Tom Hutchison (Tajikistan), 14/Nov/2011 17:03, 34 days ago
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This is the square between the main Mosque and Panshambe market. It was a slow Thursday afternoon and the place was nothing like as crowded as the weekend.I was struck by the immense size of the bazzar hall and how how many food items were spread outvisiting Sainsburies will never be the same again.I visited the Mosque and felt exactly the same astonishment at the inspirations of the architects builders and caretakers as at any european cathedral.And beyond the square a load of cobblers who could i am sure fix anything. Classic tajik loaves 1 Somonie (about 20pence)a piece. tastes pretty good warm or oldEven if you dont think you want anything there is hours of entertainment to be had walking and looking