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on Volunteers Abroad (Uganda), 24/Sep/2009 15:12, 34 days ago
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Seems like everyone has invited us for a goodbye meal and we've enjoyed them all immensely. We had our leaving do/party at the college yesterday and I felt quite sad to say goodbye. Danny wore his kilt which was cause for many giggles. He gave a lovely speech as well.I was actually surprised at how sad I felt when I locked the door to our house for the last time. It was especially sad to say goodbye to many of the staff and their families. We will miss them all so very much but will be in touch by email, by my blog and by text messages. Many were nearly in tears when saying goodbye to us and I had to restrain myself from crying myself - which worked except for one time. Danny was also very sad to leave the students, especially the 2nd years.Photos from top: Lwamafa and his wife Jovuline - he was the principal at the college for our first year and we missed him on the campus very much.Danny and our friend Mushabe, a former driver at the collegeFamily of a former college staff member we shared a meal withSome of the college staffA few of the 2nd year students