Feeding Frenzy in Vietnam
on Mid Life Angst (Zambia), 14/Jun/2009 14:12, 34 days ago
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I'm grateful that I'm able to pack up my bags and take short holidays at a moments notice. I was in Vietnam this week-end.The idea for the trip came up because I wanted to eat authentic Vietnamese food. The idea became a plan when I came across several good deals - US$50+ tax for airfare, US$30 per night in a nice hotel in the backpackers' area.As expected, food was good, plentiful and cheap. I spent an average of US$3 per meal. It would be impolite to ask me how many meals I had in a day.On my last day, I went into a feeding frenzy. So little time, so much food to try.Or - the food in Vietnam might run out, one never knows with this Socialist states - so I figured that I should take as much as I could while the going is still good.I burned most of the calories by walking and walking under the hot sun.I wasn't particularly after the exercise. There were ambulant food vendors every 100 meters or so and I didn't want to miss anything. My feet ached. I was sweaty and grimy. But I was a man with a mission.In between eating, I took pictures. Check out my Flicker page for my complete Vietnam photo set by clickinghere.I stalked a monk.