Filipinos Ive Met Abroad
on Mid Life Angst (Zambia), 08/Mar/2009 05:43, 34 days ago
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I’ve noticed that living or working abroad brings out the best and worst in people. I suppose its because, having to survive on your own, you have to learn to rely on your instincts. And your instincts reveal your character and values at their barest and most real. I have met the kindest, most generous Filipinos in my travels. I’ve been fortunate to hear some of their stories – ones of sacrifice and courage and – often – success and good humor.Unfortunately, I have also come across some of the worst Filipinos. More unfortunately, they make themselves so obvious with their loudness and crassness. No matter how much they try to re-invent themselves, one word out of them and you could immediately smell the squalid low class upbringing and fifth rate education they’re trying to hide with their artificially-accented and gramatically horrible English.