9th List of 10: Facts about disability, poverty and education in developing countries
on Charlye in PNG (Papua New Guinea), 25/Feb/2010 16:06, 34 days ago
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1. Ninety-eight percent of children with disabilities in developing countries do not have access to education, 98%!! (UNESCO)2.The United NationsConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,which was adopted in 2006 after four years of negotiations, is the first human rights Convention of the 21st century, and addresses civil, political, social economic and cultural rights. So far, it is ratified by 25 countries (UNCRPD) 3.50% of children who are deaf and 60% of those with an intellectual impairment are sexually abused (Save the Children Alliance as quoted on CRIN.org)4. Hunger is the most extreme form of poverty; 1.02 billion people across the world are hungry;everyday almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--one child every five seconds (bread.org)5. Poor nutrition and calorie deficiencies cause nearly one in three people to die prematurely or have disabilities (WHO)6. Every year, more than 20 million low-birth weight babies are born in developing countries. These babies risk dying in infancy, while those who survive often suffer lifelong physical and cognitive disabilities. (WHO)7. In 1998 the US spent over $8 Billion in cosmetics, Europe spent $50 Billion in cigarettes. Compare that to what was estimated asadditionalcosts to achieve universal access to basic social services inall developing countries: to basic education $8 Billion, to basic health and nutrition $11 Billion (Globalissues.org)8. In Africa, only 62% of pupils complete primary education and are therefore ready to pursue their studies, compared to an average completion rate of 94% in North America and 88% in Asia .( UNESCO Institute for Statistics)9. The average primary school class in low income countries has a 60-to-1 student-teacher ratio (World Bank)10. 80% of persons with disabilities live in developing countries (UNDP)