Photo of the week: Firoz and twins
on Banlgadeshi Times (Bangladesh), 13/Apr/2010 13:21, 34 days ago
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I was walking around the side roads on my own for the first time since I arrived in Satlhkira. It was a Friday afternoon, the sun was cooling off and the place was for once pretty quiet. I spotted two little boys down a sideroad and they willfully posed for the camera...but being a crap photographer, the shot was pretty crap! Suddenly Papa comes out and when he sees me he hails me to come to him. At first I was thinking 'Shit' but then I said to myself no it'll be fine he looks friendly. Of course, when I came closer I realised there was never gunna be a problem as the papa was our organization's accountant and a guy who I am now pretty good friends with.He was more than happy to pose for a shot with his twins but as I continued (and as you'll see in the slideshow) I couldn't help but notice a sadness appear in his face. Maybe he was embarassed to meet me here outside his relatively simple home or maybe he was saddened by the fact that I was walking around with an expensive camera without a care in the world whereas he will have to work his socks off just to ensure his kids get an (note I leave out the word good) education....Overall I'm not so sure about this one.