New Home
on Sarah Easter (Vietnam), 22/May/2010 07:38, 34 days ago
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A little over a month ago, my roommate and I moved to a new house as a result of the theft incident at our old location. While living in our previous home, I thought we were extremely blessed as our house was very nice, spacious and in a quiet neighborhood.Yet, I must say that I really, really, really like our new house. The house is very new, homey and inviting. It is decorated in a European, modern way and I have a larger bedroom in this house with an air conditioning unit (a very important asset in the extremely hot summer months in Hue). We also have a nice view of the neighborhood from our rooftop terrace and our land lady is absolutely wonderful and speaks English very well which makes communication much easier. She lives right next door to us so she is very close for the times in which case we need to sort something house-related out.God sure has a way of surprising us sometimes by providing us with even greater blessings then the ones we've already been given. I am very thankful for His provisions.